Guild Document "centonarii Brixiae CIL 05, 04408"

Document name centonarii Brixiae CIL 05, 04408
Name variant (this document) Coll(egia) Fabr(orum) et cent(onariorum)
Standard name of the group centonarii Brixiae
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 04408
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 04408 = InscrIt-10-05, 00202
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument unknown
Main location Brixia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 1 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 200 AD
Notes on dating Date based on the 'tria nomina' and the brevity of the inscription (cf. Mollo 2000: 309, no. 310)
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions quaestor?
Collective action set up monument for local notable
Collective assets money
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Mollo (loc. cit.) believes the quaestura mentioned in the inscription refers to the office in the collegia. This, however, would imply that Clodius Ursinus had been quaestor in both collegia. The collegia of fabri and centonarii are closely connected and sometimes merge into a single association. But this was not the case in Brixia. It seems more likely to interpret the quaestura as referring to the municipal office.
Standard text of source
Coll(egia) Fabr(orum) / et cent(onariorum) / Q(uinto) Clodio / Ursino, / ob honor(em) / quaest(urae) eius.
The guilds of craftsmen and clothmen to Quintus Clodius Ursinus, for the honour of his quaestorship.
Notes on the source