Guild Document "dendrophori Cumae AE 1971, 00090"

Document name dendrophori Cumae AE 1971, 00090
Name variant (this document) dendrophoris Baianis
Standard name of the group dendrophori Cumae
English standard name tree-carriers
Standard reference AE 1971, 00090
References to other standard editions CCCA-04, 00005 = AE 1971, 00090 =AE 1979, 00159
Source type inscription
Type of inscription religious
Type of monument panel
Main location Baiae
Main province Italia: Regio 01, Latium et Campania
Main admininistrative district Latium et Campania (Regio I)
Post quem 51 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 150 AD
Notes on dating Date taken from EDR, based on paleography and formulae
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets altar to Augustus and Mater Deum
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Receive altar to Augustus and Mater Deum
Van Haeperen 2010: Baiae administratively belongs to Cumae, the name probably indicates that the Cumaean dendrophori had their schola in Baiae. See also in the same sense CIL 10, 03698.
Standard text of source
Aug(usto) sacrum / Mátrì deum / M(arcus) Antónius Faustuṣ / Augustal(is) Cúmìs / dendrophorìs Baiánis ara[m] / p(ecunia) s(ua)
Devoted to Augustus, to the Mother of Gods. Marcus Antonius Faustus, augustalis at Cumae (has set up this) altar for the dendrophori of Baiae with his (own) money.
Notes on the source