Guild Document "dendrophori Polae CIL 05, 00056"

Document name dendrophori Polae CIL 05, 00056
Name variant (this document) coll(egium) dendroph[orum]
Standard name of the group dendrophori Polae
English standard name tree-carriers
Standard reference CIL 05, 00056
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 00056 = CIL 05, 00061 = InscrIt-10-01, 00084
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument basis, statua
Main location Pola
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 227 AD
Exact date 227 AD
Ante quem 227 AD
Notes on dating consular date
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions decretum ; ordo
Protectors patronus
Collective action set up statue to patron and benefactor
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges public location for monument
Private duties and liabilities
Receive unspecified benefactions
The inscription from a statue base records a decree from the ordo of the collegium dendrophorum of Pola to set up a bronze statue to honour their patron and benefactor, Quintus Mursius Plinius Minervianus, an important  local notable who had been duumvir and patron of the city. The statue would be set up in the forum of the city on a location given to them by the city council. It was paid for by a money collection among the members (aere collato). As reason the decree refers to the benefactions the collegium had received from the honorand. These were certainly not merely material since the text refers to the auctoritas which the honorand had exercized on their behalf. The honorand declared to be content with the honour and so appears to have reimbursed the cost to the collegium.
Standard text of source Q(uinto) Mursio Q(uinti) [f(ilio) Vel(ina)] / Plinio Miner[viano] / IIvir(o) patr(ono) c[ol(oniae)] / coll(egium) dendroph[orum] / ob merita eius e[x aere] / conlato l(ocus) d(atus) [d(ecreto) d(ecurionum)] / exemplum decre[ti] / M(arco) Nummio Senecione Albino M(arco) Laelio [Maximo co(n)s(ulibus) // quod verba facta sunt in honorem] / [Q(uinti) Mursi Plini Minerv]iani [---]m et / [--- beneficia erga col]legium experirem(u)r / [--- Imp(eratoris) Caes(aris) L(uci) Septimi] Inv[i]cti Severi / [Q(uintus) Mursius Plinius Miner]vianus filius eius in / [---] collegium n(ostrum) suscepe/[rit et --- au]ctoritatemq(ue) suam / [--- collegiu]m n(ostrum) adrogaretur nunc / [vero honorem in eum p]otissimum quoque / [decrevimus ita ut qu]antum beneficii tan/[tum ei univers]o consensu rem[uneran]/[dum sit ob insignia ei]us adfectioni(s) / [merita et statua] ae(nea) ex nostro in foro po/[natur patronus] nobis libenter adquies/[cit honore contentu]s quod ei a nobis debeatur ut / [--- obs]equio ad referendam gratiam / [quare ---]ebionem et Iul(ium) Chrysogonum / [et ---]um Clementianum Levoni(um) / [ut decretum ordi]nis n(ostri) in notitiam ei per/[feratur ---]mo suo locum quem ipse / [elegerit ---] verba in basi statuae quam / [primum perscriberentur // Lita/si
Notes on the source