Guild Document "centonarii Vicetiae CIL 05, 03137"

Document name centonarii Vicetiae CIL 05, 03137
Name variant (this document) collegium centonariorum municipi Vicetinorum
Standard name of the group centonarii Vicetiae
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 03137
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 03137 (p 1074) = D 06695 = AE 2007, +00571
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument basis, statua
Main location Vicetia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action offer statue to noblewoman
Collective assets money
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
L(ucius) Lartiu[s] / Maximus / IIIIvir i(ure) d(icundo) / adl(ectus) aer(arii) pont(ifex) / uxori / statuam oblatam a / col(legio) cent(onariorum) m(unicipii) Vic(etinorum) d(e) p(ecunia) s(ua) p(osuit)a
Lucius Lartius Maximus, quattuorvir iure dicundo, adlectus to the treasury, pontifex, has set up this statue to this wife with his money, offered by the guild of clothmen of the city of Vicetia.
Notes on the source