Guild Document "fabri et centonarii Mediolani CIL 05, 05612 (centonarii)"

Document name fabri et centonarii Mediolani CIL 05, 05612 (centonarii)
Name variant (this document) coll(egii) fabr(um) et centon(ariorum) / c(oloniae
Standard name of the group centonarii Mediolani
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 05612
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 05612  = Liu 186
Source type inscription
Type of inscription religious?
Type of monument unknown
Main location Sibrium
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main admininistrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Post quem 246 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 268 AD
Notes on dating The guilds of 'fabri' and of 'centonarii' were joined at some point between 109 and 131 CE (Liu 2009: 44), so this inscription (dated 'year 137' of the guild must date to 246-268 CE.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions pontifex ; curatores arcae ; decuriae ; centuriae
Collective action
Collective assets arca Titiana
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
Bericricenioni Val/entini pontif(icis) / decuria II [e]x ((centuria)) IIII / M(arci) Macrini Valeriani / centuria XII
L(uci) Scri[b]oni Petroniani / decuria pr(ima) [e]x [((centuria))] XI[I] / Salvi Vitalis Secundi / centuria pr(ima)
curatorib(us) ar[k(ae)] [T]i[t(ianae)] / coll(egi) fabr(um) et centon(ariorum) / coloniae A(- - -) A(ugustae) [M(ediolani)] ann(i) CXXXVII / concordia[e] eorum
Of Bericricenio Valentinus, pontifex, from the second decuria of the fourth centuria, of Marcus Macrinius Valerianus from the twelfth centuria, of Lucius Scribonius Petronianus from the first decuria of the twelfth centuria, of Salvius Vitalis Secundus from the first centuria. Under the curators of the arca Titiana of the guild of craftsmen and clothmen of the colony A… Augusta Medionanum, of the 137th year.
To their harmony.
Notes on the source
The inscription itself is known only from a transcript by Ciriaco d'Ancona.