Guild Document "fabri et centonarii Mediolani CIL 05, 05738 (centonarii)"

Document name fabri et centonarii Mediolani CIL 05, 05738 (centonarii)
Name variant (this document) cọḷḷ(egi) f̣abr(um) / et cent(onariorum) m̅(uni
Standard name of the group centonarii Mediolani
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 05738
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 05738 (p 1085) = D 07250 = Liu 188
Source type inscription
Type of inscription religious
Type of monument altar
Main location <Caponago>
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main admininistrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Post quem 179 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 200 AD
Notes on dating The guilds of 'fabri' and of 'centonarii' were joined at some point between 109 and 131 CE (Liu 2009: 44), so this inscription (dated 'year 70' of the guild must date to 179-201 CE. If the reading m̅(unicipi) M̅(ediolaniensis) is correct 192 CE would be a likely ante quem date, since Mediolanum probably became a colonia under Commodus (Zoia 2018)
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions pontifex ; curator arcae ; allectus collegio ; centurio ; centuria
Collective action
Collective assets money ; arca ; aedicula
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
- - - - - -/ et dis cum Iove / C(aius) Atilius C̣(ai) f̣(ilius) Ouf(entina) / Teṛṭullịṇụṣ / pon[tif(ex)] et c̣ụ[r]at(or) / arc(ae) cọḷḷ(egi) f̣abr(um) / et cent(onariorum) m̅(unicipi) M̅(ediolaniensis) ann(o) / LXX et allect(us) eidem / coll(egio) et centurio ((centuriae)) VII / cum Atilia C(ai) f(ilia) Veneria / coniug(e) v(otum) s(olvit) aram / cum aedicula
… and to the Gods with Jupiter. Caius Atilius Tertullinus, son of Caius, of the Oufentina tribe, pontifex and curator of the treasury of the guild of craftsmen and clothmen of the city of Mediolanum in the 70th year (of the guild) and adlected to the same guild, and centurio of the 7th centuria (of the guild), has fulfilled his vow with his wife Atilia Veneria, daughter of Caius (and set up this) altar with chapel.
Notes on the source See also: for a photograph.