Guild Document "fabri tignuarii Velitrarum CIL 10, 06585"

Document name fabri tignuarii Velitrarum CIL 10, 06585
Name variant (this document) coleg(ii) fab[rum] / tignuariorum
Standard name of the group fabri tignuarii Velitrarum
English standard name carpenters
Standard reference CIL 10, 06585
References to other standard editions CIL 10, 06585
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Velitrae
Main province Italia: Regio 01, Latium et Campania
Main admininistrative district Latium et Campania (Regio I)
Post quem -7 BC
Exact date
Ante quem 60 AD
Notes on dating The post quem date is based on the assumption that the collegium fabrum tignuariorum at Velitrae cannot have predated the creation of the collegium tignuariorum in Rome (7 BCE). The ante quem date is based on the spelling 'conlegium' (Liu 2009: 38, n. 19; Waltzing 1895-1900: IV, 4; Mommsen, Eph.Ep. I, 79)
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions lustrum ; magister quinquennalis
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
Varronius Nicia / mag(ister) quinq(uennalis) co<l=N>leg(ii) fab[rum] / tignuariorum lust[ri ---] / vixit ann(os) XCIII
Varronius Nicia, magister quinquennalis of the guild of carpenters/builders during lustrum … has lived 93 years.
Notes on the source The origin of this inscription has been doubted. It was first reported in the house of a nobleman in Velletri, but could have been transported there from elsewhere. However, a very similar funerary inscription was found in Velitrae (AE 1925, 86 = SupIt-02-V, 00014). So there seems no reason any more to doubt the attribution.