Guild Document "fabri Ravennae CIL 11, 00132"

Document name fabri Ravennae CIL 11, 00132
Name variant (this document) dec(uriae) VII / collegi(i) fabr(um) m(unicipii) R
Standard name of the group fabri Ravennae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 11, 00132
References to other standard editions CIL 11, 00132 (p 1227, 1228) = D 07235 = NSA-1932-423
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Ravenna
Main province Italia: Regio 08, Aemilia
Main admininistrative district Aemilia (Regio VIII)
Post quem 176 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating Date based on 'coniugi sanctissimae', 'fratri pientissimo', tria nomina + filiation + tribe
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions decuria
Collective action scatter roses over grave
Collective assets endowments
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Receive endowment
A funerary monument recording the donation of an endowment of 1000 sesterces to the 7th decuria to bring roses to the grave every year. If the decuria neglected to do so the money would be transferred to the 8th decuria under same condition.
Standard text of source
Marianae Polycarpae / Cassiae Cassianae / [---] Claudius P(ubli) f(ilius) Cam(ilia) Iustu(s) / coniug(i) sib(i) sanctissimae et P(ublio) Vario / Ariano fratri pientissimo / posuit / ob memoriam patris sui dec(uriae) VII / collegi(i) fabr(um) m(unicipii) R(avennatis) HS |(mille) n(ummum) liberalitate / donavit sub hac condicione ut / quodannis rosas ad monumentum ei / spargant et ibi epulentur dumtaxat in / Idus Iulias quod si neglexerint tunc ad / dec(uriam) VIII eiusdem colleg(ii) pertinere debebit / condicione supra scripta
For Mariana Polycarpa Cassia Cassiana, … Claudius Iustus, son of Publius, of the Camilia tribe has set up (this monument) for his wife, most sacred to himself, and to Publius Varius Arianus, his most dutiful brother. In memory of his father he has donated as a generosity, to the Seventh decuria of the guild of craftsmen of the municipium of Ravenna, 1000 sesterces under this condition that yearly they should scatter roses at the monument and dine there, provided that if they neglect (to do this) before the 15th of July, then it must needs belong to the Eighth decuria of the same guild under the condition written above.
Notes on the source