Guild Document "fabri navales Ravennae CIL 11, 00139 ?"

Document name fabri navales Ravennae CIL 11, 00139 ?
Name variant (this document)
Standard name of the group fabri navales Ravennae?
English standard name shipwrights
Standard reference CIL 11, 00139
References to other standard editions CIL 11, 00139 = D 07725 = AE 1972, 00185
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument sarcophagus?
Main location Ravenna
Main province Italia: Regio 08, Aemilia
Main admininistrative district Aemilia (Regio VIII)
Post quem -27 BC
Exact date
Ante quem 14 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
This document refers to a faber navalis. Waltzing (1895: III, 474, no. 1799) connects it to a collegium fabrum navalium. However, we cannot be sure that the deceased who set up this inscription with a relief was actually a member of a collegium fabrum navalium. He may have been a member of the collegium fabrum in Ravenna, which was very large and is known to have met in the temple of Neptune and to have participated in the Neptunalia (cf. CIL 11, 00126). The early date of the inscription, however, makes even this assumption doubtful, since most collegia don't predate the later first century.
Standard text of source
P(ublius) Longidienus P(ubli) f(ilius) Cam(ilia) / faber navalis se vivo constit/uit et Longidienae P(ubli) l(ibertae) Stactini(ae) // P(ublius) Longidienus P(ubli) l(ibertus) Rufio / P(ublius) Longidienus P(ubli) l(ibertus) P(h)iladespotus / i<m=N>pensam patrono dederunt // P(ublius) Longidienus / P(ubli) f(ilius) ad onus / properat
Publius Longidienus, son of Publius, of the Camilia tribe, ship-wright, has set up (this monument) during his lifetime and for Longidiena Stactinia.
Publius Longidienus Rufio, freedman of Publius and Publius Longidienus Philadespotus, freedman of Publius have given the expense to their patron.
(as a caption with a relief showing Longidienus at work) Publiuc Longidienus, son of publius hastes to work.
Notes on the source Dated by Clark (2003: 118-119) based on style of the reliefs and portraiture and the inscription