Guild Document "fabri Sorrinae Novae CIL 11, 03009"

Document name fabri Sorrinae Novae CIL 11, 03009
Name variant (this document) coll(egii) fabr(um) et cent(onariorum)
Standard name of the group fabri Sorrinae Novae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 11, 03009
References to other standard editions CIL 11, 03009 (p 1313) = D 06595 = Epigraphica-2007-380
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument panel
Main location Sorrina
Main province Italia: Regio 07, Etruria
Main admininistrative district Etruria (Regio VII)
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 200 AD
Notes on dating Date taken from EDCS
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Protectors patroni
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
M(arco) Aurelio Elaini filio / Marcello / pontif(ici) iur(e) dic(undo) Sorr(inensium) Nov(ensium) / quaestori ar<c=K>(ae) publicae / patron(o) coll(egiorum) fabr(um) et cent(onariorum) / huic prim(o) omnium splendid(issimus) / ordo ex sportul(is) suis ob mer(ita) eius / statuam ponendam censuer(e) / cuius ob dedicationem dedit / decurionibus pane(m) vinu(m) et |(denarios) X / hoc ampl(ius) ob hon(orem) sibi oblatum / HS V(milia) n(ummum) popul(o) in annonam perpetuo / dedit l(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) c(uram) a(gente) T(ito) Vario Severo
To Marcus Aurelius Marcellus, son of Elainus, pontifex iure dicundo of Sorrina Nova, quaestor of the public treasury, patron of the guild(s) of craftsmen and clothmen. To this (man) as very first has the most splendid order decided to set up a statue from its handouts on account of his merits, for the dedication of which he has given to the council members bread, wine, and 10 denarii. In addition for the honour bestowed upon him he has given the sum of 5000 sesterces to the people (to be used) for the perpetual grain-fund. The location has been given by decree of the decuriones, Titus Varius Severus taking care (of setting up the statue).
Notes on the source