Guild Document "fabri tignuarii Pisarum CIL 11, 01436"

Document name fabri tignuarii Pisarum CIL 11, 01436
Name variant (this document)
Standard name of the group fabri tignuarii Pisarum
English standard name carpenters
Standard reference CIL 11, 01436
References to other standard editions CIL 11, 01436 = CIL 05, *00146 = D 07258 = InscrIt-07-01, 00019 = DEFTest 00012
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Pisae
Main province Italia: Regio 07, Etruria
Main admininistrative district Etruria (Regio VII)
Post quem 176 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating Date based on: DM, tria nomina + tribus, relatively low sum expressed in sesterces, emotional terms ('matri piissimae', relative loquacity of the tekst
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities they will receive the endowment if the 'fabri navales' neglect the terms of the will
Receive secondary rights to endowments
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) / Venuleia / Pelagia / hic adq(uiescit) / fil(ius) matr(i) pi(i)ss(imae) // M(arcus) Naevius M(arci) f(ilius) / Gal(eria) Restitutus / mil(es) coh(ortis) X pr(aetoriae) h(ic) a(d)q(uiescit) / qui reliq(uit) testam(ento) coll(egio) / fabr(um) naval(ium) Pis(anorum) stationi / vetustiss(imae) et piiss(imae) HS IIII(milia) / n(ummum) ex cuius reditu pa/rental(ia) et rosar(ia) quot/ann(is) a<d=T> sepulc{h}rum / suum celebrent quot / si factum ab eis non / esset tunc ea ipsa con/dicione fabr(i) tig(narii) Pis(ani) / accept(is) pro poena a / fabr(is) nav(alibus) HS IIII(milibus) n(ummum) ipsi / celebrare debebunt
To the God-Spirits of the Dead. Venuleia Pelagia rests here. Her son to his most devoted mother. Marcus Naevius Restitutus, son of Marcus, of the Galeria tribe, soldier of the tenth cohort of praetorians rests here, who has left behind in his will to the guild of shipwrights of Pisa, to the oldest station and most devoted, the sum of four thousand sesterces from the proceeds of which yearly on the Parentalia and the Rosaria shall be celebrated (the rites) at her grave, which if this shall not have been done then the carpenters/builders of Pisa shall themselves have to celebrate (the rites) having received the four thousand sesterces from the shipwrights as a fine.
Notes on the source