Guild Document "fabri Sarsinae CIL 11, 06520"

Document name fabri Sarsinae CIL 11, 06520
Name variant (this document) collegi(i)s dendropho/rorum fabrum cento/nariorum
Standard name of the group fabri Sarsinae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 11, 06520
References to other standard editions CIL 11, 06520 = D 06647 = DEFTest 00013 = Epigraphica-2008-209 = IFF 00034a = AE 1999, 00616
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument cippus
Main location Sarsina
Main province Italia: Regio 06, Umbria
Main admininistrative district Umbria (Regio VI)
Post quem 112 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 138 AD
Notes on dating after 112 CE (deification Marciana) ; end date taken from EDR Asdrubali Pentiti 2008: 209-210, no. 9: "prima metà del II sec. d.C."
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action handouts from proceeds endowment ; honour Manes deceased benefactor
Collective assets arca ; endowment
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Receive legacy (fideicommissum) ; endowment
A cippus recording a clause from the testament of the deceased instructing the heir (probably as a fideicommissum) to set up three endowments of 6000 sesterces each, given to the collegia of the fabri, centonarii, and dendrophori. The proceeds from 4000 sesterces were to be used to distribute oil to the members of the collegia, the proceeds from 2000 sesterces were to be used to honour her Manes.
Standard text of source
<in fronte>
D(is) M(anibus) / Cetraniae / P(ubli) f(iliae) Severinae / sacerdoti / divae Marcian(ae) / T(itus) Baebius Gemelli/nus August(alis) / coniugi sanctiss(imae)
<in latere intuentibus dextro>
Caput ex testamento / Cetraniae Severinae / collegi(i)s dendropho/rorum fabrum cento/nariorum munic(ipii) Sassi(natis) / HS sena milia n(ummum) dari / volo fideiq(ue) vestrae col/legiali committo uti / ex reditu HS quatern(orum) m(ilium) / n(ummum) omnibus annis prid(ie) / Idus Iun(ias) die natalis / mei oleum singulis / vobis dividatur e<t=I> / ex reditu HS binum / milium n(ummum) Manes / meos colatis hoc / ut ita faciatis fidei / vestrae committo //
To the God-Spirits of the Dead of Cetrania Severina, daughter of Publius, priestess of Diva Marciana. Titus Baebius Gemellinus Augustalis (has set up this monument) to his most inviolable wife.
(right-hand side)
Chapter from the testament of Cetrania Severina: To each of the guilds of dendrophori, craftsmen, and clothmen of the municipium of Sarsina, I want to give the sum of 6,000 sesterces and entrust to the good faith of your guilds that from the proceeds of 4,000 sesterces oil shall be distributed to each of you, every year, on the day before the Ides of June (12 June), my birthday; and from the proceeds of 2,000 sesterces you shall cultivate my death spirits (Manes), this I entrust to your good faith.  
Notes on the source
Granino Cecere 2014: 113-115, no. 34 ; Asdrubale Pentini 2008: 209-210, no. 9
The inscription is set on two sides of a cippus and may be connected with CIL 11, 06521: Cetraniae Severinae Baebius Gemellinus, set on an architrave (epistylium) belonging to her funerary monument, and probably the very fragmentary CIL 11, 06522: ]ocrui C(ai) [---] / T(itus) Baebius [
The deceased is depicted in her priestly robes on the left-hand side of the cippus.