Guild Document "fabri Mediolani CIL 11, 01230"

Document name fabri Mediolani CIL 11, 01230
Name variant (this document) splendid(orum) collegiorum / fabrum et cent(onario
Standard name of the group fabri Mediolani
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 11, 01230
References to other standard editions CIL 11, 01230
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument panel
Main location Placentia
Main province Italia: Regio 08, Aemilia
Main admininistrative district Aemilia (Regio VIII)
Post quem 216 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating See Liu for date: based on 'flamen Divi Magni Antonini' (Caracalla was deified by Macrinus in 217 CE). The abbreviated name of the city CAAFM (c(oloniae) A(ureliae) A(ugustae) F(elicis) M(ediolaniensis)) implies 260 CE as an ante quem date, but according to Manzella (1994: 264) the honorand must be situated in the late second and/or early decades of the third century.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Protectors patroni ; repunctor
Collective action set up honorary monument to patron
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
Q(uinto) Albinio / Ouf(entina) / Secundino / Q(uinti) f(ilio) Q(uinti) nep(oti) Q(uinti) pron(epoti) / Mestrio Aebutio
Tulliano eq(uiti) R(omano) eq(uo) p(ublico) / accens(o) ve[l(ato)] flam(ini) / Divi Magn(i) Anton(ini) / IIvir(o) i(ure) d(icundo) MP (M(unicipii) P(lacentini)? M(anumittendi) P(otestate)?) cur(atori) r(ei) p(ublicae) Parmens(ium) repunctori / splendid(orum) collegiorum / fabrum et cent(onariorum) c(oloniae) A(ureliae) A(ugustae) F(elicis) M(ediolaniensis) collegia s(upra) s(cripta) patrono
To Quintus Albinius Secundinus Mestrius Aebutius Tullianus, son of Quintus, grandson of Quintus, of the Oufentina tribe, Roman knight (endowed) with the public horse, accensus velatus, flamen of Divus Antoninus, duumvir iure dicundo ...MP?..., curator of the republic of Parma, repunctor of the splendid guilds of craftsmen and clothmen of the colony Antoniniana Augusta Felix Mediolanum. The above mentioned guilds (have set up this monument) to their patron.
Notes on the source The find spot of this inscription is uncertain. It was attributed by  Pacedianus to Placentia but on doubtfull grounds. The attribution was accepted by Mommsen (adn. CIL 5, 5847, followed with doubts by Waltzing no.1824)), but doubted by Borrman (CIL 11, 1230) because the tribus of the honorand (the Oufentia) was that of Mediolanum, not of Placentia (Voturia) and he had served as 'repunctor' of the 'collegia fabrum et centonariorum' in Mediolanum, where the same office is recorded for the 'collegium aerarium' (CIL 5, 5847). Sanseverini's correction to Parma is unfounded.

Passerini 1944 and Cracco Ruggini 1996 propose reading 'Iivir(o) d(icundo) M(anumittendi) P(otestate)'.