Guild Document "fabri argentarii crescentes Caesareae CIL 08, 21106"

Document name fabri argentarii crescentes Caesareae CIL 08, 21106
Name variant (this document) colegi(i) fabri argentar(ii) / et conlegi(i)
Standard name of the group fabri argentarii crescentes Caesareae
English standard name
Standard reference CIL 08, 21106
References to other standard editions CIL 08, 21106 = D 07286
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Iol Caesarea
Main province Mauretania Caesariensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 150 AD
Notes on dating Date based on 'hic situs est' but absence of DM
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action funerary monument for member
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Crescentes (or adcrescentes) are the sons of guild members and were thus considered 'members in waiting'. (Liebenam 1890: 174; Waltzing (1895-1900: III, 390, no. 1487; Ausbüttel 1982: 42; Zaccaria 1995: 301).
Waltzing notes that there should have been a single collegium fabrum argentariorum et crescentes Caesariensium: 'Crescentes ou adcrescentes, ce sont les flls des collegiati attachés héréditairement au collège. … Ce qui est remarquable, c'est qu'ils forment un collège à part a Caesarea …' (Waltzing, ad loc.)
A similar organisation seems attested for the fabri in Aquileiae , where there was a collegium fabrum and a collegium incrementorum cultorum Minervae (CIL 05, 08251; Zaccaria 1995).
In both cases it seems best to consider the crescentes and incrementi as sub-units or dependent associations.
For (ad)crescentes and children of guild-members attached to their father's (or parent's) guild see CIL 09, 02998 (and Mommen's notes there), CIL 14, 03649 (collegium of circitores Augusti with adcrescentes) and the meaning of adcrescentes in the Codex Theodosianus.
Standard text of source
Vitulus argentarius / caelator ann(orum) XXIIII / hic situs est / cura co<l=N>legi(i) fabri argentar(ii) / et conlegi(i) Caesariensium crescent(es) / terra ti<b=S>i levis sit
Translation Vitulus, silver smith, 24 years old, has been laid here (to rest), by care of the guild of silverworkers and the guild of growers of Caesarea. May the earth be light upon you.
Notes on the source The Latin is garbled; it should read
… cura co<l=N>legi(i) fabrum argentar(iorum) / et conlegi(i) Caesariensium crescent(ium) …