Guild Document "fabri Sarmizegetusae AE 2006, 01157"

Document name fabri Sarmizegetusae AE 2006, 01157
Name variant (this document) [---] co[ll(egii)?] / [de]c(uriae?)
Standard name of the group fabri Sarmizegetusae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference AE 2006, 01157
References to other standard editions FVSarmiz 00048 = AE 2006, 01157
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument basis, statua
Main location Sarmizegetusa
Main province Dacia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 108 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 175 AD
Notes on dating Lupa dating: "Antoninisch-Severisch" ; 108 - 170 CE (EDH)
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions decuriae
Collective action set up a statue to a notable?
Collective assets statue
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
An honorific inscription belonging to a statue set up by the 9th decuria of the fabri, found in front of the aedes of the fabri (see EDH, Lupa and there for further references).
Standard text of source
C(aio) Iul[io] / Rufin[o] / filio / C(ai) Iul(ii) I?[---] / [---] co[ll(egii)?] / [de]c(uriae?) IX[---] / [---
Translation To Caius Iulius Rufinus, son of Caius Iulius … of the guild … of the … 9th decuria
Notes on the source