Guild Document "fabri tignuarii Ostiae AE 1987, 00198"

Document name fabri tignuarii Ostiae AE 1987, 00198
Name variant (this document) coll(egii) fabr(um) tig(nuariorum) Ost(iensium)
Standard name of the group fabri tignuarii Ostiae
English standard name carpenters
Standard reference AE 1987, 00198
References to other standard editions AE 1987, 00198 = FTD-06, p 89
Source type inscription
Type of inscription religious ; acta privata
Type of monument basis
Main location Ostia
Main province Italia: Regio 01, Latium et Campania
Main admininistrative district Latium et Campania (Regio I)
Post quem 256 AD
Exact date 256 AD
Ante quem 256 AD
Notes on dating Consular date
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions honorati
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Receive secondary right to endowments
The inscription documents an endowment given to the dendrophori to provide handouts. If it fails to meet the conditions the fund will be transferred to the honorati of the collegium fabrum tignuariorum. If the dendrophori do not honour the condition stipulated, the endowment will be transferred to the honorati of the collegium fabrum tignuariorum. (see also AE 1987, 00199)
Standard text of source C(aius) Iul(ius) C(ai) f(ilius) Cocil(ius) Hermes / patr(onus) et q(uin)q(uennalis) / p(er)p(etuus) col(legii) / den(drophorum) Ost(iensium) / signum M(atris) M(agnae) ex argent(o) p(ondo) III et Z et SS / VI m(ilia) n(ummum) d(ono) d(edit) ut VI / Kal(endas) Iun(ias) die natalis sui de / ((denariis)) CLXXX usuras eorum epu/lentur et discumbentes / sportulas partiantur / quot(!) is observatum non / erit tunc s(ummas) s(upra) s(criptas) honoratis / coll(egii) fabr(um) tig(nuariorum) Ost(iensium) dari / volo sub condicione s(upra) s(cripta) / stipulatus est Cocilius / Hermes ispepond(it)(!) plebs / dedicat(um) Idib(us) Ianuaris / Maximo et Glabrione / co(n)s(ulibus) ob cuius d(edicationem) d(endrophoris*) dedit ispor(tulas)(!) ((denarios)) II
Caius Iulius Cocilius Hermes, son of Caius, patron and life-long president of the guild of dendrophori of Ostia, has given as a gift a statue of the Great Mother in silver (weighing) three pounds and a half and the sum of six thousand sesterces, so that on the sixth day before the kalends of June (26 May), his birthday, from the 180 denarii interest from this sum, they should dine and reclining divide the handouts. If this (obligation) shall not be observed then I want the sum written above to be given to the honorati of the guild of carpenters/builders of Ostia under the condition written above. Cocilius has stipulated (these terms), the members (of the guild of dendrophori) have accepted them. Set up on the Ides of January, under the consulship of Maximus and Glabrio, for which dedication he has given to the decuriones (of the guild) two denarii handouts.
Notes on the source
Van Haeperen, 'Ostia. Aire sacrée de Mater Magna (IV, 1)', in Van Haeperen 2019,
* Previous editors resolve the final clause OB CVIVS D D DEDIT ISPOR as ob cuius dedicationum decurionibus dedit etc. Given the context, however, dendrophoris dedit is preferable.
The inscription is set on a marble pedestal (59 x 35 x 28) upon which presumably the statue of Mater Magna was placed.