Guild Document "fabri Oesci AE 1987, 00893"

Document name fabri Oesci AE 1987, 00893
Name variant (this document) collegi(i) fabror(um)
Standard name of the group fabri Oesci
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference AE 1987, 00893
References to other standard editions AE 1987, 00893
Source type inscription
Type of inscription building inscription ; religious
Type of monument epistylium
Main location Oescus
Main province Moesia Inferior
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 189 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 191 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions praefecti
Protectors patroni
Collective action
Collective assets temple of Fortuna ?
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The temple is clearly intended as a public building since its two benefactors built it ob amorem patriae et c[ivium, but the prominence with which both proclaim their standing as praefecti et patroni collegi(i) fabror(um) provides such a strong link that we must assume the guild could make use of the temple.
Standard text of source
[[Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) Aurelio Commodo Aug(usto) Pio Felici Sarmatico Germanico Maximo Britannico pont(ifici) max(imo) tr(ibunicia) pot(estate) ... imp(eratori) VIII co(n)s(uli) VI p(atri) p(atriae) divi Marci Antonini Pii Germani(ci) Sarmati(ci) fil(io) divi Pii nepoti divi Hadriani pronepoti divi Traiani Parthici abnepoti divi Nervae adnepoti]
Cnaeo Suellio Rufo leg(ato) Aug(usti) pr(o) [pr(aetore) prov(inciae)]] / [Moesiae inferioris ---vir] q(uin)q(uennalis) col(oniae) et M(arcus) C[---]lus dec(urio) [---] praefecti et patroni collegi(i) fabror(um) ob amorem patriae et c[ivium tem]plum Fortunae a sol[o cum portico et column]is et statuis locis em[ptis om]nique inpendio suo fe[cerunt]
To Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Augustus Pius Felix Sarmaticus Germanicus, Maximus, Britannicus, pontifex maximus, endowed with the powers of tribune (of the plebs) for the ... time, eight times hailed imperator, six times consul, father of the fatherland, son of the Deified Marcus Antoninus Pius Germanicus Sarmaticus, grandson of the Deified Pius, great-grandson of the Deified Hadrian, great-great-grandson of the Deified Trajan, descendant of the Deified Nerva. Cnaeius Suellius Rufus (being) gouvernor of Moesia Inferior … quinquennalis of the colony and Marcus C...lus, decuriopraefectus and patron of the guild of craftsmen, have made the temple to Fortuna from the ground up, with a portico and columns and statues, having bought the location all with their own money, for their love of the fatherland and the citizens
Notes on the source Date based on prosopographical grounds