Guild Document "fabri Savariae AE 1965, 00296"

Document name fabri Savariae AE 1965, 00296
Name variant (this document) collegi[i vel -legiorum ---] / fabrorum [et] / cen
Standard name of the group fabri Savariae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference AE 1965, 00296
References to other standard editions RIU-01, 00118 = LapSav 00131 = AE 1965, 00296
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument stela
Main location Savaria
Main province Pannonia Superior
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 76 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 200 AD
Notes on dating Dated to second century by Balla e.a. 1971 but without arguments. EDH suggests 70 CE as a post quem date. Savaria was founded by Claudius but the city developed mostly from Domitian onwards. The relatively low sum in sesterces does suggest a pre-third century date.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets endowments?
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The inscription refers to the dedication of a monument. The dedicant has a relation to the collegium which is expressed in the genitive case, but wether this was as an officer of the guild (e.g. magister collegii …) or as its praefectus or patronus cannot be made out. The inscription also refers to the proceeds or to a part ('ex') of a sum of 1000 sestertii. This could indicate an endowment of the collegium, but again the text is too fragmentary to be sure.
Standard text of source [---] / EX[---] / DEI[---] / collegi[i vel -legiorum ---] / fabrorum [et] / centonar[i]or[um] / faciendum cur(avit) / ex s(estertiis) n(ummum) |(mille) [---]
…  guild(s) of craftsmen and clothmen has taken care of making (this monument) from 1000(+?) sesterces …
Notes on the source