Guild Document "fabri Salonae AE 1922, 00039"

Document name fabri Salonae AE 1922, 00039
Name variant (this document) coll(egii) fabr(um) et cen/tonariorum
Standard name of the group fabri Salonae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference AE 1922, 00039
References to other standard editions ILJug-03, 02109 = AE 1922, 00039
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument
Main location Salona
Main province Dalmatia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 126 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 175 AD
Notes on dating Date taken from EDH,EDR
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions praefecti
Protectors patroni
Collective action collect money to set up a statue for patron and praefectus
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Receive 'defensio'
Notes possibly a joint 'collegium' ; in any case under a single 'praefectura'
Standard text of source
M(arco) Ulpio M(arci) f(ilio) / Sabino eq(uo) p(ublico) / dec(urioni) col(oniae) Sal(onitanorum) / IIviro iure / dicundo praef(ecto) bis / coll(egii) fabr(um) et cen/tonariorum / patrono col(legii) / s(upra) s(cripti) ob industriam / adque(!) sing(ula)rem / eius innocenti/am et integritatem / defensionem/que ex aere col/lato coll(egium or -egia) s(upra) s(criptum)
Translation To Marcus Ulpius Sabinus, son of Marcus, (endowed) with the public horse, decurio of the colony of Salona, duumvir iure dicundus, twice prefect of the guild(s) of craftsmen guild and clothmen, patron of the above mentioned guild(s). The above mentioned guild(s) (have set up this monument) for his dedication and singular uprightness and integrity, and protection with collected money.
Notes on the source