Guild Document "centonarii Salonae ILJug-03, 02115"

Document name centonarii Salonae ILJug-03, 02115
Name variant (this document)
Standard name of the group centonarii Salonae
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference ILJug-03, 02115
References to other standard editions ILJug-03, 02115
Source type inscription
Type of inscription uncertain
Type of monument panel
Main location Salona
Main province Dalmatia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 151 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating Dated by Verboven (contra EDH) based on abbreviated 'gentilicium' Flavius. The reading is too unclear to assume the presence or absence of a praenomen. Both Crescens and Verus are too common to allow identification.
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
------] / [---] fabr(um) et cen[t(onariorum) ---] / [---] Fl(avius) Crescen[s ---] / [--- e]t Fl(avius) Veru[s ---] / [------
Translation … of craftsmen and clothmen … Flavius Crescens … Flavius Verus …
Notes on the source