Guild Document "fabri Viennae CIL 12, 02493? (praefectus fabrum municipalis)"

Document name fabri Viennae CIL 12, 02493? (praefectus fabrum municipalis)
Name variant (this document) pr[aef(ectus) fabr(um)]
Standard name of the group fabri Viennae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 12, 02493
References to other standard editions CIL 12, 02493 = ILHSavoie 00069 = ILN-05-03, 00721 = CAG-74, p 263
Source type inscription
Type of inscription building inscription
Type of monument panel
Main location Albinnum
Main province Narbonensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 1 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 50 AD
Notes on dating early first century CE (Hirschfield ad CIL 12, 2494 ('litteris perbonis saeculi primi incipientis') Pflaum 1978: 252) ; first third or first half of the first century CE (Burnand 1980: 51) ; Julio-Claudian period (Rémy 1992: 219); see also Bouet 1999: 463
Corporate designation
Internal institutions praefecti?
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
This is one of two or identical inscriptions (CIL 12, 2493; 2494). A third may have been very similar (ILHSavoie 71).
It refers to the 'Vicani Albinnenses', but Albinnum was a vicus belonging to the colony of Vienna. So if the office of praefectus fabrum was municipal rather than provincial, it must have been in Vienna, not Albinnum, as can be inferred from dedications he set up in the vicus of Geneva (CIL 12, 2592),  which also belonged to the Vienna and at Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille (CIL 12, 02439), near the Lac du Bourget and the upper Rhone (also on the territory of Vienna). Albinnum lay on the other side of the lake. (see Leveau and Rémy 2005 on the 'vici' of Vienna).
The inscription records the donation (and bulding) of public baths in Albinnum with a sports field and a portico and of an aquaduct bringing water to it.
In view of the early date, there is probably no connection to the collegium fabrum of Vienna and the praefectura fabrum may be a provincial office.
Standard text of source
C(aius) Sennius C(ai) f(ilius) Vol(tinia) Sabinus pr[aef(ectus) fabr(um)] / balineum campum porticus aq[uae iusque] / earum aquarum tubo ducendarum [ita ut recte] / perfluere possint vicanis Albinnen[sibus d(e) s(uo) d(edit)]
Translation Caius Sennius Sabinus, son of Caius, of the Voltinia tribe, praefectus fabrum, has given to the villagers of Albinnum, from his own (means) a bathhouse, a terrain, and a colonnade, the right to the water and to lead them with a pipe so that they may flow correctly. translation Bouet Caius Sennius Sabinus, fils de Caius, de la tribu Voltinia, préfet des ouvriers, a offert à ses frais aux habitants du vicus d'Albens un bain, un campus, des portiques, les eaux et le droit de les conduire dans un tuyau, afin qu'elles puissent couler correctement.
Notes on the source
On campus as a separate monument see Bouet 1998 (110 and 112 for this inscription).
CIL 12, 2493 is identical, ILHSavoie 71 seems to refer to the same benefaction.