Guild Document "dendrophori Serdicae IGBulg IV 1925b"

Document name dendrophori Serdicae IGBulg IV 1925b
Name variant (this document) μήτηρ δενδροφόρ(ων)
Standard name of the group dendrophori Serdicae
English standard name
Standard reference IGBulg IV 1925b
References to other standard editions IGBulg IV 1925b = CMRDM D3 = CAPInv. 1785
Source type inscription
Type of inscription membership list
Type of monument
Main location Serdica
Main province Thracia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 191 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 210 AD
Notes on dating Date taken over from Hemelrijk 2008:124, n. 28 (late 2nd—early 3rd c.). According to Lane (CMRDM D3) the letters indicate 250-300 CE). CapInv. 1785 takes 2nd or 3rd c. CE
Corporate designation dumus
Internal institutions matres ; memuiasa stolidos
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The Greek designation Greek doumos (sometimes transliterated in Latin as dumus) is used in religious associations to refer to the club-house and metonymically to the association as such. The title (?) memuiasa stolidos is nowhere else attested.
The members all appear to have been women, the names suggesting an eastern origin (CAPInv. 1785)
Standard text of source
[ἀγαθῆι τύ]χ̣ηι
col. a.
[— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —]
[— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —]
col. b.
[— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — — —] / [— — — —] / [— — — —]β̣  / [— — — —]κ̣α / [— — — — —] / [γυν]ὴ Δρά/[κ]οντος /
Ζωΐλου / βʹ
col. c.
 [Οὐ]αλερία / μήτηρ δενδροφόρ(ων) / Π̣α̣ρ̣ι̣άς̣(?) / [—]Ι̣α[․․]ου Ωβειου / γ̣υνή / υ[— — — —] / [— — — — —] / Κυρία γ̣[υ]νὴ / Μιθραδ(άτου), / Οὐέρουλα, / Χρυσάνθη, / Ἡρακλία, / Αὐρηλία / Ποντιανή /
col. d. (centered below columns a-c)
------ [— — — — —]δωρα Λούππου / [— — — — —]α̣ Ἰουλιανοῦ / [— — — — —]η μεμυίασα στολίδος / [— —(?)— —] vacat / [— — — — ἱε]ροῦ δούμου / [— — — — τα]ῖς μυστρίαις.
To Good Fortune
col. b.2 … wife of Draco, Zoilus, of Zoilus / two (or twice?)
col. c.2: Valeria, mother of the dendrophori  … Parias? … of Oveius, wife of … Kuria, wife of Mithridates, Verula Chrysanthe, Heraclia, Aurelia, Pontiana …
col. d.1 … dora of Luppus …a of Iulianus … initiated with the robe? … the Sacred House … for the female participants to the mysteries
Notes on the source
cf. Hemelrijk 2008: 124; Slavova 2002 (here for a detailed discussion of the terminology); Tacheva 1983: 116-118 (no.101b)