Guild Document "dendrophori Romae Johannes Lydus, Mens. 4,59"

Document name dendrophori Romae Johannes Lydus, Mens. 4,59
Name variant (this document) τῶν δενδροφόρων
Standard name of the group dendrophori Romae
English standard name
Standard reference Johannes Lydus, Mens. 4,59
References to other standard editions Johannes Lydus, Mens. 4,59
Source type literary
Type of inscription n/a
Type of monument n/a
Main location Roma
Main province Roma
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 41 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 54 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
Τῇ πρὸ δεκαμιᾶς Καλενδῶν Ἀπριλίων δένδρον πίτυς παρὰ τῶν δενδροφόρων ἐφέρετο ἐν τῷ Παλατίῳ. τὴν δὲ ἑορτὴν Κλαύδιος ὁ βασιλεὺς κατεστήσατο, ἀνὴρ οὕτω δίκαιος περὶ τὰς κρίσεις, ὡς μητέρα τὸν ἑαυτῆς παῖδα ἀρνουμένην κελεῦσαι ὡσανεὶ ξένην γαμηθῆναι (5) αὐτῷ, τὴν δὲ ἀπειποῦσαν κρῖναι μητέρα.
On the 11th day before the Kalends of April (22 March), a pine tree would be carried on the Palatine by the dendrophori ["tree-bearers"].  The festival was established by the Emperor Claudius, a man so just in his judgments that he ordered a mother who was denying her own child to be married to him [i.e., the child], on the grounds that she was a stranger to him; but by her refusal he determined that she was the mother.
Notes on the source