Guild Document "fabri Lugduni AE 1909, 00081?"

Document name fabri Lugduni AE 1909, 00081?
Name variant (this document) praef(ecto) [---]
Standard name of the group fabri Lugduni
English standard name
Standard reference AE 1909, 00081
References to other standard editions AE 1909, 00081 = ILGN 00424
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument sepulcralis
Main location Lugdunum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating Dated by Wierschowski 2001: 625 (2nd - 3rd c.)
Corporate designation
Internal institutions praefectus
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The inscription mentions a highranking curator of the negotiatores vinarii' in Lyon, who was praefectus of another guild. Unfortunately the inscription is too damaged to make out which. Most likely of the fabri or the nautae Rhodanici (cf. CIL 13, 01967)
Standard text of source
decur(ioni)] / ornament[ario col(oniae) Aug(ustae)] / Nem(ausi) curatori ne[gotiato]/rum vinarioru[m qui] / Lugduni in can[abis] / consistunt praef(ecto) [---] / Elpidepho[rus posuit]
Translation … endowed with the insignia of decurio of the colonia Augusta of Nemausus, curator of the Wine Merchants residing in Lugdunum, praefectus … Elpidephorus has set this up.
Notes on the source