Guild Document "fabri tignuarii Romae CIL 06, 09405"

Document name fabri tignuarii Romae CIL 06, 09405
Name variant (this document) decuriae X collegium (!) fabrum tignuariorum
Standard name of the group fabri tignuarii Romae
English standard name carpenters/builders
Standard reference CIL 06, 09405
References to other standard editions CIL 06, 09405 (p 3469, 3822, 3895) = D 07238
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary ; membership list
Type of monument columbarium
Main location Roma
Main province Roma
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 26 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 50 AD
Notes on dating Date based on the names listed.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions decuria ; decrio ; quinquevir
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The inscription records a benefactor, L. Cincius L. f. Suc. Martialis, who donated thirty-two places in a columbarium to members of the Tenth decuria of the collegium fabrum tignuariorum. 22 are mentioned by name. Ten remaining places are reserved for future members.
His son was a member of the decuria and received a place himself. The different tribus of the son (Palatina) indicates that he was legally the freedman of his father (who may himself also have been a freedman).
It is noteworthy that the benefactor was not the decurio of the decuria to which he himself belonged. He presents himself instead as quinquevir, which may (or may not) have been an internal office of the collegium fabrum tignuariorum, possibly higher ranked that that of decurio.
Standard text of source
L(ucius) Cincius L(uci) f(ilius) Suc(cusana) Martialis Vvir / possessor huius monumenti ex testamento L(uci) Mamili / Felicis decuriae X collegium (!) fabrum tignuariorum parietem dextrum / introitus ollas XXXII donavit eis qui infra scripti sunt singulis singulas / P(ublio) Sulpicio Felici decur(ioni) / L(ucio) Cincio L(uci) f(ilio) Pal(atina) Martiali f(ilio) / M(arco) Amatio Crescenti / Ti(berio) Pomplino Draconi / Sex(to) Iulio Aprili / T(ito) Statilio Isochryso / T(ito) Statilio Hieroni f(ilio) / C(aio) Procilio Saturnino / C(aio) Petronio Celado / C(aio) Vibio Faustillo / T(ito) Statilio Onesimo / Ti(berio) Iulio Taurisco / Ti(berio) Iulio Sperato f(ilio) / P(ublio) Baebio Epaphrodito / Ti(berio) Iulio Hymno / C(aio) Vibio Primigenio C(aio) Iulio Celeri / C(aio) Herennio Crescenti / P(ublio) Licinio Agathopo / M(arco) Vergilio Eucarpo / L(ucio) Baebio / Apollinari / M(arco) Antonio / Philosterg(o) / reliquas ollas X qui in hac decuria allecti erint singulas do lego / reliquum omnem ius meum quod est in hoc monumento Amatiae Euniae uxori meae et L(ucio) Cincio L(uci) f(ilio) Pal(atina) / Martiali et M(arco) Amatio Crescenti do possidereque eos iubeo
Lucius Cincius Martialis, son of Lucius, of the Suburana tribe, quinquevir, owner of this monument by testament of Lucius Mamilius Felix, has given to the tenth decuria of the guild of builders/carpenters the wall to the right of the entrance, thirty-two pots, one to each ofThe civic world of professional associations in the Roman East those listed below : to Publius Sulpicius Felix, decurio to Lucius Cincius L. f. Pal. Martialis, the son to Marcus Amatus Crescens to Tiberius Pomplinus Draco to Sextus Iulius Aprilis to Titus Statilius Isochrysus to Titus Statilius Hiero, son (of the previous) to Caius Procilius Saturninus to Caius Petronius Celadus to Caius Vibius Faustillus to Titus Statilius Onesimus to Tiberius Iulius Tauriscus To Tiberius Iulius Speratus, son (of the previous) to Publius Baebius Epaphroditus to Tiberius Iulius Humnus to Caius Vibius Primigenius to Caius Iulius Celer to Caius Herennius Crescens to Publius Licinius Agathopus to Marcus Vergilius Eucarpus to Lucius Baebius Apollinaris to Marcus Antonius Philostergo. The remaining ten pots I give and bequeath each (to) those who shall be adlected in this decuria. All my remaining rights that pertain to this monument I give to Amatia Eunia, my wife, and Lucius Cincius Martialis, son of Lucius, of the Palatina tribe, and Marcus Amatius Crescens and order that they possess them.
Notes on the source
l. 3 collegium : should be amended to collegii (Waltzing) not collegio (Spon), since the donation was clearly to individuals not to the collegium as such.
Waltzing is no doubt right that the F behind the names of some should be read as f(ilio) not f(abro), in each case the son of the person mentioned above.
The order in which the names are listed is significant: first the decurio, then the benefactor's son, then his brother-in-law or father-in-law;