Guild Document "fabri navales Arelatis CIL 12, 00700"

Document name fabri navales Arelatis CIL 12, 00700
Name variant (this document) patron(i) / fabror(um) naval(ium) utric(u)lar(ioru
Standard name of the group fabri navales Arelatis
English standard name shipwrights
Standard reference CIL 12, 00700
References to other standard editions CIL 12, 00700 = D 06985 = Carroll 2006: 251–52 = Liu no 22
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Arelate
Main province Narbonensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 151 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating Date based on D.M. abbreviated), tria nomina, 'patrono optimo meritus', 'loquacity', relation to funerary monument erected by Pardala for his wife (CIL 12, 747), datable to second half second century (DM et Securitati, 'coniugi carissimae') Date by Liu (2009) 336, no. 22: early second century Date by Carroll (2006) 251-253 : second century Date by Leveau and Gascou (1996) 247, n. 31: early second century (DM + paleography, ref. to Hirschfeld)
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Protectors patroni
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) / G(ai!) Paqui Optati / lib(erti) Pardalae IIIIII / Aug(ustali) col(oniae) Iul(iae) Pat(ernae) Ar(elatis) / patron(i) eiusdem / corpor(is) item patron(i) / fabror(um) naval(ium) utric(u)lar(iorum) / et centonar(iorum) C(aius) Paquius / Epigonus cum liberis suis / patrono optime merito
To the God-Spirits of the Dead. Of Gaius Paquius Pardala, freedman of Optatus, sevir Augustalis of the colony of Iulia Paterna Arelate, patron of the same association, likewise patron of the shipwrights, the utriclarii, and the clothmen. Caius Paquius Epigonus with his children to his best and well-deserving patron.
Notes on the source