Guild Document "fabri navales Arelatis CIL 12, 05811"

Document name fabri navales Arelatis CIL 12, 05811
Name variant (this document) fa[bro navali] … arti[f]ic[i] artifices Nigro damu
Standard name of the group fabri navales Arelatis
English standard name shipwrights
Standard reference CIL 12, 05811
References to other standard editions CIL 12, 05811 = ILGN 00108 = CLE 01191 = D 07726
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Arelate
Main province Narbonensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating Date: cf. Leveau and Gascou (1996) 247, n. 31: cannot be dated precisely post quem date by Verboven: duo nomina gentilicium + cognomen: rare in first century, common from late second onwards.
Corporate designation
Internal institutions sodales
Collective action dedicate funeral monument to member
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
A burial monument with carmen epigraphicum set up by the artifices of the guild of shipwrights to thei deceased colleague. This inscription does not explicitly mention the corpus fabrum navalium but the reference to it is unmistakable because the artifices dedicate the carmen to their sodalis who was faber navalis. The inscription is interesting also because it explicitly connects artifices and sodales.
Standard text of source
[Cae]c[ilio] / Nigro fa[bro navali] / [praete]riens quicumque leges h[aec carmina nostra] / [qu]ae tibi defuncti nomina ver[a dabunt] / [incomptos] elegos veniam peto ne ve[rearis] perlegere et dicas carmen ha[bere bene(?)] / [C]aecilius Niger est hic ille [sepul]tu[s] [eundem] / quo cernis titulum star[e habet ecce locum] / nunc tibi navales pauci damus ul[tima vota] / hoc et defuncto corpore munus [habe] / ossa tuis urnis optamus dulce quiesc[ant] / sitque levis membris terra mo[lesta tuis] / arti[f]ic[i] artifices Nigro damus ista s[odali] / carmina quae claudit iam res[oluta salus]
translation Ruffel 2003: 49-50
Whoever [pass]es by and reads [this poetry of ours, which] will give you truly the names of the dead, I beg your indulgence for these [disordered?] elegies, that you are not af[raid to read them to the end, and that you say the poem [has sincerity. Caecilius Niger is the man who lies buried here next to the waves, where you see the headstone; he himself used to stand in this place. Now we few naval-workers are giving you our [last gifts. - accept the honour though the body here is dead. We wish that your bones sleep easily in your urn and that the troublesome earth lies easy on your limbs. Craftsman to craftsman we, his mates, are giving to Niger these very lines which the sw[ift Rhone] envelops
Notes on the source
see also:
CLEO, (photograph, bibliography, critical apparatus, translation in Spanish)