Guild Document "fabri Drobetae CIL 03, 01583"

Document name fabri Drobetae CIL 03, 01583
Name variant (this document) sc(h)ol(ae) fab(rum)
Standard name of the group fabri Drobetae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 03, 01583
References to other standard editions CIL 03, 01583 = CIL 03, 08018 = D 07247 = IDR-02, 00135 = ILD 00080 = CERom-21/24, 00935 = AE 2001, +01722
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument altar
Main location Drobeta
Main province Dacia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 201 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 271 AD
Notes on dating Dated by Ardevan 1997.
Corporate designation schola
Internal institutions decuriones ; imaginifer ; vexillarii
Collective action
Collective assets schola
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Notes Funerary monument for a 'decurio' and 'imaginifer' of the guild and his family.
Ardevan 1997
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) // Iul(ius) Herculanus / dec(urio) sc(h)ol(ae) fab(rum) i{i}mag(inifer) / vix(it) ann(os) LXXX Iul(ia) Viv/enia coniux Iul(ius) / Marcianus fil(ius) im/{m}ag(inifer) sc(h)ol(ae) fab(rum) vix(it) / ann(os) XXVII Aur(elius) Iuli/us mil(es) c(o)hor(tis) I sag(ittariorum) im/{m}ag(inifer) vix(it) ann(os) XXX Iul(ius) / Marcellinus fil(ius) / vexil(larius) sc(h)ol(ae) fab(rum) vix(it) / ann(os) XXV Iul(ia) Ma/rcia fil(ia) vix(it) / ann(os) XIIII Iul(ia) (H)er/aclia fil(ia) vix(it) / ann(os) VIIII Iul(ia) / Marcell<i>na nep(os) / vix(it) ann(os) IIII Viv/enia mater se viva f(ecit)
To the God-Spirits of the Dead. Iulius Herculanus, decurio of the schola of craftsmen, imaginifer, has lived 80 years, Iulia Vivenia, his wife, Iulius Marcianus, his son, imaginifer of the schola of craftsmen, has lived 27 years, Aurelius Iulius, (auxilary) soldier from the first cohort of archers, imaginifer, has lived 30 years, Iulius Marcellinus, his son, vexillarius of the schola of craftsmen, has lived 25 years, Iulia Marcia, his daughter, has lived 14 years, Iulia Heraclia, his daughter, has lived 9 years, Iulia Marcellina, his granddaughter has lived 4 years, mother Vivenia has made (this monument) during her life-time.
Notes on the source