Guild Document "fabri Emonae CIL 03, 03893"

Document name fabri Emonae CIL 03, 03893
Name variant (this document) col(legii) fab(rum)
Standard name of the group fabri Emonae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 03, 03893
References to other standard editions CIL 03, 03893 = D 07235a = AIJ 00209 = Tyche-2002-129 = AE 2002, 00531
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument stela
Main location Emona
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating Date based on DM, denarius as unit of account and persistence of praenomen for all persons mentioned.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions quinquevir? ; decuriones ; decuriae
Collective action commemorative rites
Collective assets endowments
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities perform yearly funerary rites
Receive endowments
Notes A funerary stela for a magistrate and decurio of the guild of craftsmen and his wife, set up by their son. They leave an endowment of 200 denarii to the guild to bring roses to the grave every year at the festival of the Carnaria.

The inscription mentions that the deceased had been IIIIIvir (quinquevir). This might be a stone-cutter's mistake for IIIIIIvir (sevir), but the office of 'quinquevir' is a little attested minor office in Roman cities, so we cannot exclude the reading 'quinquevir'. If it is not a stone-cutter's mistake, the title mentioned in this inscription most likely refers to this minor office, rather than being a local alternative to 'magister quinquennalis' as usual in the 'collegia fabrum' (cf. Premerstein 1903; Kos 2002; Kos 2016)
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) / L(ucio) Caesernio / Primitivo / IIIIIv(iro) et dec(urioni) col(legii) fab(rum) / et Olliae Primillae / coniug(i) eius / leg(atis) ex testament(is) eor(um) / dec(uriis) IIII coll(egii) fabr(um) / uti rosas Carnar(iis) / ducant |(denariis) CC / L(ucius) Caesernius / Primitivos(!) / parentib(us)
To the God-Spirits of the Dead. For Lucius Caesernius Primitivus, quinquevir and decurio of the guild of craftsmen and Ollia Primilla, his wife, 200 denarii having been bequeathed in their wills to the four decuriae of the guild of craftsmen so that they would bring roses (to their tomb) on the (festival of the) Carnaria (1 June). Lucius Caesarnus Primitivos to his parents.
Notes on the source IIIIIvir (quinquevir) might be a stone-cutter's mistake for IIIIIIvir (sevir), but the office of 'quinquevir' is a little attested minor office in Roman cities (see Kos 2002 for a discussion).