Guild Document "fabri Feltriae AE 1908, 00107"

Document name fabri Feltriae AE 1908, 00107
Name variant (this document) coll(egia) fab(rorum) et c(entonariorum)
Standard name of the group fabri Feltriae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference AE 1908, 00107
References to other standard editions SupIt-05-F, 00003 = D 09420 =AE 1908, 00107 =AE 1947, +00019 =AE 1990, 00396 = AE 2010, +00545
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument statua
Main location Feltria
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 323 AD
Exact date 323 AD
Ante quem 323 AD
Notes on dating consular date
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets endowments
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities have to perform commemorative rites to benefactor
Receive endowments
Standard text of source
Severo et Rufino coss. / V k(alendas) Sept(embres), / acceperunt coll(egia) fab(rorum) et cc. / ((denariorum)) quingenta milia, computata / usura anni uni(us) centensima u[n]a  / ((denariorum)) LX (milia), de qua usura per singulos an(nos) / die V idu(s) Ian(uarias) natale ipsius ex usura s(upra) s(cripta) / at memoriam Hos(tili) Flaminini refriger(are)  / se [de]debunt et IIIIvir(is) et sex princ(ipalibus) / et off(icialibus) pub(licis) spor(tularum) no(mine) aureos den(os) et sil(iquam)  / sing(ulam); neicnon et per ros(am) at memor(iam) eius / refrigerar(e) deveb(unt). N̅(- - -) CCCLXII.
Under the consulship of Severus and Rufinus, the fifth day before the Kalends of September. (28 Aug.) The guilds of craftsmen and clothman have received 500,000 denarii, the interest having been computed at one percent (per month) to sixty thousand denarii for one year. On the fifth day before the Ides of January (9 Jan.), his birthday, they shall have to refresh themselves (i.e. dine) from the above written interest in memory of Hostilius Flamininus and to the quattuorviri and six principales and the public officiales ten aurei and to each a siliqua as a handout, and also they will have to refresh (themselves) with roses in his memory. N …. 362.
Notes on the source
cf. Luciano 2010: 271-272
The text was inscribed over an earlier inscription, datable to the late third century AD (cf. Liu 2009: 365)
The siliqua must refer to the argenteus which was (probably) still tariffed at 100 denarii. The aureus is the Constantinian solidus, wich at this time was tariffed at 2400 denarii. These must be real coins contrary to the denarii as units of account used to express the value of the endowment and the interest. The ten aurei were probably meant for the quattuorviri and six principales, while each of the officiales publici received a siliqua.
The final N 362 probably refers to a local era (cf. Luciano loc. cit.)