Guild Document "fabri tignuarii Foro Segusiavorum consistentes CIL 13, 01640"

Document name fabri tignuarii Foro Segusiavorum consistentes CIL 13, 01640
Name variant (this document) fabri tignuar(ii) / qui foro Segus(iavorum) / cons
Standard name of the group fabri tignuarii Foro Segusiavorum consistentes
English standard name construction workers
Standard reference CIL 13, 01640
References to other standard editions CIL 13, 01640 = CAG-42, p 107
Source type inscription
Type of inscription religious
Type of monument
Main location Forum Segusiavorum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 6 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 68 AD
Notes on dating Date based on 'numini Augusti' (cf. Fishwick 1987-2005, I: 86)
Corporate designation
Internal institutions
Collective action dedicate altar to Numen Augusti and Deus Silvanus
Collective assets money: d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) p(osuerunt)
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
An altar set up to the Numen Augusti and Deus Silvanus by the fabri tignuarii consistentes in the town.
This is one of the earliest securily dated attestations of fabri tignuarii acting as a collective. We may note the absence of a collective designation (such as collegium), but the addition that they set up the altar 'with their own money'  (d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) p(osuerunt)), rather than aere collato indicates the existence of some minimal associative structure.
The town began to be urbanised under the reign of Claudius (Valette 2004: 425), possibly the presence of a "community" of fabri tignuarii is related to this event. Another inscription records the building of a stone theatre to replace an older wooden structure during the reign of Claudius (CIL 13, 01642: Divo Augusto sacrum / pro salute Ti(beri) Claudi / Caesaris August(i) Germ(anici) / Ti(berius) Claudius Arucae fil(ius) Capito / sacerdos Aug(usti) theatrum quod / Lupus Anthi f(ilius) ligneum posuerat / d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) lapideum restituit).
See also CIL 13, 02013, referring to a curator civium Romanorum in Segusiavi negotiantium.
Standard text of source
Numin(i) Aug(usti) / deo Silvano / fabri tignuar(ii) / qui foro Segus(iavorum) / consistunt / d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) p(osuerunt)
Translation To the Divine Powers of the Augustus, to the God Silvanus. The carpenters/builders who reside in Forum Segusiavorum have set up (this monument) from their own money.
Notes on the source