Guild Document "fabri Lambaesis CIL 08, 02690       "

Document name fabri Lambaesis CIL 08, 02690       
Name variant (this document) mag(istri) / fabr(um)
Standard name of the group fabri Lambaesis
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 08, 02690     
References to other standard editions CIL 08, 02690 = CIL 08, 18110          
Source type inscription
Type of inscription religious
Type of monument
Main location Lambaesis
Main province Numidia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 126 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation
Internal institutions magistri
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Notes Amraoui 2016.

The inscription might refer to a military 'collegium' (in this sense Sander 1962: 147, n. 45, cf. CIL  7, 49 (Bath): ex col(l)egio fabrice(nsium)). There appears to be a reference to the Ala I Pannoniorum, but how this was involved in the setting up the monument is unclear. So it could just as well be connected with a 'collegium fabrum' of the 'municipium' (sinds 203 CE) or the 'colonia' (since 244/249 CE) of Lambaesis. The existence of the freedman Collegius Fabricius (in CIL 8, 3545) strongly suggests that there was civilian 'collegium fabrum' in Lambaesis.
Standard text of source
]MV / [---]NEI/ [---]S dec(urio?) / [alae] I Pann(oniorum) / [---]R[---]s et / Maximi/us Com/modia/nus mag(istri) / fabr(um) vo/tum ss(olverunt)
decurio of the first cavalry detachment of the Pannonians … and Maximius Commodianus, Masters of the craftsmen have fulfilled their vow.
Notes on the source Dated by Verboven: the Legio III Augusta moved to Lambaesis c. 123-128 CE. The Ala I Pannoniorum had been in the area since Julio-Claudian times. The 'praenomen (absent here) stays more common in northern Africa until the fourth century.