Guild Document "fabri Laudis Pompeiae CIL 05, 06363"

Document name fabri Laudis Pompeiae CIL 05, 06363
Name variant (this document) collegio fabr(um) / Laud(is)
Standard name of the group fabri Laudis Pompeiae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 06363
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 06363 = CIL 11, *00581,1
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument
Main location Laus Pompeia
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main admininistrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating Dated by Verboven based on DM and 'tria nomina'
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets endowments
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities commemmorative rites
Receive legacy ; endowments (1000 HS)
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) v(ivus) f(ecit) / L(ucius) Cassius / Epithymetus / VIvir sibi et / L(ucio) Cassio Ocyti / patrono optim[o] / et Atiliae Acte / uxori eius / qui Ocys collegio fabr(um) / Laud(is) in utrumq(ue) florem / perpetuo sibi deducend(um) / HS |(mille) testamento legavit
To the God-Spirits of the Dead. Lucius Cassius Epithymetus, sevir, has made (this monument) during his lifetime, for himself and for Lucius Cassius Ocytus, his best patron, and Atilia Acte his wife. (He) who (is also named) Ocys has bequeathed by testament to the guild of craftsmen of Laus Pompeia 1000 sesterces to commemmorate him (here) forever on both flower (days).
Notes on the source 'deducere in utrumque florem' literally would be 'to come down (to this monument) on both flowers'. 'Flowers' is used metonymically to indicate the Rosalia and the Violaria.