Guild Document "fabri Lugduni CIL 13, 01734"

Document name fabri Lugduni CIL 13, 01734
Name variant (this document) splendidissimi corporis fabrorum tign[ar(iorum)] /
Standard name of the group fabri Lugduni
English standard name construction workers
Standard reference CIL 13, 01734
References to other standard editions CIL 13, 01734 = D 07263 = CAG-69-02, p 674
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary ; sacer
Type of monument
Main location Lugdunum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 151 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating Dated based on 'duo nomina' and loquacity of the text.
Corporate designation corpus
Internal institutions
Collective action
Collective assets burial ground ; monument to the Genius collegii
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Receive burial ground ; monument to the Genius collegii
This inscription is set on a monument dedicated to the Genius of the splendidissimum corpus of fabri tignuarii and of the artifices tectorum. The reverse of the stone show this monument was connected with a burial ground. Since the monument was dedicated only to a single Genius and only a single corpus is mentioned the artifices tectores must have been a group within the large corpus splendidissimum of fabri tignuarii of Lugdunum.
For a discussion see Laubry 2012: 15-17.
Standard text of source
Genio splendidissimi corporis fabrorum tign[ar(iorum)] / [it]emque artificum tectorum Claudius Myron e[t] / [par]entes(?) [---] erga memoriam Clau[di //
[sic inferatur(?)] corpus cuiusquam praeter sepulturae gratia / [eorum qui custodi]am(?) habent quique exceperunt aditum et habitatio/[nem et si qui qu]em locum sepulturae cuius rei gratia / [Myronis testamen]to consecuti sunt / [sanc]tissima semper
 To the Genius of the splendid guild of carpenters/builders and also of the plasterers. Claudius Myron and his parents … in memory of Claudius …     anyone except for burial of those who have care (of this place) and who have received (right of) entry and residence and if they have obtained the burial place for this reason by the testament of Myro, most sacred for ever…
Notes on the source