Guild Document "fabri Lugduni CIL 13, 02036"

Document name fabri Lugduni CIL 13, 02036
Name variant (this document) corpo/rato inter fabros tign(arios) Lugud(uni)
Standard name of the group fabri Lugduni
English standard name construction workers
Standard reference CIL 13, 02036
References to other standard editions CIL 13, 02036 = D 07723 = CAG-69-02, p 605
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument cippus
Main location Lugdunum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 176 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 300 AD
Notes on dating Date based on 'DM et memoriae Aeternae', loquaecity text and affective superlatives
Corporate designation
Internal institutions corporati
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) / et / memoriae aeternae / Valeriae Leucadiae infantis / dulcissimae quae vixit annis / VI d(iebus) XXX et / Virei Vitalis iuvenis incompa/rabilis ingeni(i) artis fabricae / ferrariae fratris eiusdem Leu/cadiae quorum mortem soli / XXX dies interfuerunt corpo/rato inter fabros tign(arios) Lugud(uni) / qui vixit ann(os) XVIIII m(enses) X d(ies) VIIII / cuius aetas talis fuit ut virgo / defunctus sit cuiusque sapien/tia omnibus amicis et parenti[b(us)] / admirabilis fuit huius de aeta[te] mors inique iudicavit / Val(erius) Maximus Vitricus qui eum / sibi filium adoptaverat et art[e] / educaverat in quo spem aeta/tis suae conlocaverat et Iu/lia Secundina mater infeli/cissima qui sibi ab eis id fieri spe/raverant et / Vireii Marinianus et Secundi/nianus et Val(erius) Secundinus fra/tres p(onendum) c(uraverunt) et sibi vivi sub asc(ia) dedic(averunt)
To the God-Spirits of the Dead and the eternal memory of Valeria Leucadia, sweetest infant, who lived 6 years, 30 days, and Vireius Vitalis, a young man with an incomparable talent for the art of iron making, brother to the same Leucadia, whose death 30 days only separated; for the member among the carpenters/builders of Lugdunum, who lived 19 years, 10 months, 9 days; whose age was such that she died a maiden; whose wisdom was admirable to all friends and (his/her) parents; of whom death unjustly judged over his/her age. Valerius Maximus Vitricus, who had adopted him as son and trained in his art, in whom he had put the hope of his age, and Iulia Secudina, most unhappy mother, who (both) had hoped that this would be done by them for them, and Vireius Marinianus and Secudinianus, and Valerius Secundinus, their brothers, have taken care of setting up (this monument) and have dedicated it (also) for themselves while alive 'sub ascia'.
Notes on the source The text of the inscription is rather clumsy, making it awkward to translate.