Guild Document "fabri et centonarii Mediolani AE 1974, 00343 (fabri)"

Document name fabri et centonarii Mediolani AE 1974, 00343 (fabri)
Name variant (this document) [coll(egium) fabrum et cen]t(onariorum) Med(iolane
Standard name of the group fabri Mediolani
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference AE 1974, 00343
References to other standard editions AE 1974, 00343 = Liu 195 = Bollmann 1998, 431.
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument panel
Main location Mediolanum
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main admininistrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Post quem 184 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 213 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action set up honorary monument to emperor
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Donate dedication to emperor
A dedication to Commodus or to Caracalla set up by the guild.
Standard text of source
[Imp(eratori) Caes(ari)] / [M(arco) Aureli]ọ / [Antonino Au]g(usto) / [Pio Felici Parth(ico)] Max(imo) / [Britann(ico) Max(imo) po]nt(ifici) max(imo) / [trib(unicia) pot(estate) XVI imp(eratori) I]I co(n)s(uli) IV p(atri) p(atriae) / [coll(egium) fabrum et cen]t(onariorum) Med(iolanensium) / - - - - - -
[Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) Aurelio Commod]o / [Antonino Au]g(usto) / [Pio Sarmat(ico) pot(estate) VIIII imp(eratori) V]I co(n)s(uli) IIII p(atri) p(atriae) / [colleg(ium) fabrum et cen]t(onariorum) Med(iolanensium) / [
To Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus Pius Felix Parthicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus, pontifex maximus, (endowed) with the tribunician powers for the 16th time, twice (hailed) imperator, four times consul, father of the fatherland. The guild of craftsmen and clothmen (have set this up)
To Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus Pius Sarmaticus, endowed with the tribunician powers for the ninth time, six times (hailed) imperator, four times consul, father of the fatherland. The guild of craftsmen and clothmen (have set this up)
Notes on the source