Guild Document "fabri Noviomagi Regentium CIL 07, 00011"

Document name fabri Noviomagi Regentium CIL 07, 00011
Name variant (this document) [colle]gium fabror(um) et [q]ui in e[o] / [sun]t
Standard name of the group fabri Noviomagi Regentium
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 07, 00011
References to other standard editions CIL 07, 00011 = RIB-01, 00091 = AE 2008, +00772 = BritRom-02, 00015 = AE 2017, +00870
Source type inscription
Type of inscription building inscription ; religious
Type of monument panel
Main location Noviomagus Regentium
Main province Britannia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 43 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 89 AD
Notes on dating Togidubnus was installed or confirmed as a client king by Claudius in 43 CE. ‘Domus divina’ initially referred to ‘the House of Divus Augustus’. It could not be used by Vespasian, but was reused by Titus after the deification of Vespasian towards the end of 79 or early 80 CE (Barrett 1979; Fishwick II, 427)). Tacitus refers to Togidubnus as a loyal ally, who 'ad nostram usque memoriam fidissimus mansit' (Agr. 14). His words indicate that Togidubnus was no longer alive c. 98 CE, when Tacitus published his Life of Agricola. But estimates on the date of his death range from the mid-sixties (Barrett 1979) to the eighties (Bogaers 1979: 254).
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action build temple for Neptune and Minerva
Collective assets temple with open space (templum, area) for Neptune and Minerva
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges permission to use public space for monument ; royal permission
Private duties and liabilities
Receive plot of land (area) to build a temple
A building inscription attesting the building and dedication of a temple to Minerva and Neptunus by the collegrium fabrorum et qui in eo sunt  on the authority (ex autoritate) of king Togidubnus.
Standard text of source
[N]eptuno et Minervae / templum / [pr]o salute do[mus] divina[e] / [ex] auctoritat[e Ti(beri)] Claud(i) / [To]gidubni re[g(is) m]agni Brit(anniae) / [colle]gium fabror(um) et [q]ui in e[o] / [sun]t d(e) s(uo) d(ederunt) donante aream / [Pud?]ente Pudentini fil(io)
Translation Tomlin
To Neptune and Minerva a temple, for the welfare of the imperial house, by authority of Tiberius Claudius Togidubnus, great king of the Britons; given by the guild of craftsmen and those who are in it, from their own resources; the site given by Pudens son of Pudentinus’
Notes on the source
Bogaers 1979 ; Tomlin 2018: 33-34, no. 2.15
For the discovery and subsequent history of the inscription see  McCann 2017.