Guild Document "fabri tignuarii Romae CIL 14, 02630"

Document name fabri tignuarii Romae CIL 14, 02630
Name variant (this document) coll(egii) fabr(um) ; coll(egii) fabr(um) tignario
Standard name of the group fabri tignuarii Romae
English standard name construction workers
Standard reference CIL 14, 02630
References to other standard editions CIL 14, 02630 = CIL 10, *00680 = CIL 12, *00021 = D 07237
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary ; honorary
Type of monument
Main location Roma
Main province Roma
Main admininistrative district Roma
Post quem 99 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 125 AD
Notes on dating The post quem date is provided by the 22nd lustrum of the group, viz. 99-103 CE.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions decurio ; nongentus ad suffragia ; iudex inter electos XII ab ordine ; magister quinquennalis ; honoratus ; censor ad magistros creandos ; ordo
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Funerary inscription for an honoratus of the guild set up by his wife and daughter. This inscription records the full career of the deceased, including the otherwise unattested offices of nungentus ad suffragia, censor ad magistros creandos, and iudex inter XII electos ab ordine (see notes for the guild record).
The inscription may have come from Tusculum (see notes on the inscription) but the complex organisation and obvious size of the collegium recorded in it clearly show that it pertains to the collegium fabrum tignuariorum of Rome.
Standard text of source
T(ito) Flavio T(iti) lib(erto) Hilarioni / decur(ioni) coll(egii) fabr(um) ex lustro XV / n<o=U>ngento ad su<f=B>frag(ia) lustro XVI / mag(istro) quinq(uennali) coll(egii) fabr(um) tignarior(um) / lustro XVII honorat(o) ex lustro XIIX / censor(i) bis ad mag(istros) creando[s]* lust(ro) XIX et XX / iudexs inter elect(os) XII ab ordine lust(ro) XXII / Claudia Ti(beri) f(ilia) Prisca viro optimo / et Flavia T(iti) f(ilia) Priscilla patri optimo.
For Titus Flavius Hilario, freedman of Titus, decurio of the craftsmen guild since the 15th lustrum, nongentus ad suffragiorum during the 16th lustrum, magister quinquennalis of the guild of carpenters/builders during the 17th lustrum, honoratus since the 18th lustrum, twice censor to appoint magistri during the 19th and 30th lustrum, iudex among the 12 elected by the order during the 22nd lustrum. Claudia Prisca, daughter of Tiberius to the best man, and Flavia Priscilla, daughter of Titus, to their best father.
Notes on the source
This inscription is not preserved but is known from a transcription by Iohannes Iucundus Veronensis.  It was reportedly used as building material for the Vatican, allegedly coming from Tusculum. Dessau (CIL 14, 02630), however doubted this attribution and assigned the inscription rather to Ostia, where the fabri tignuarii are well documented. This, however, seems unlikely given the names mentioned in the inscription. (Royden 1988: 130-131; Magister 2000; 2002; Tran 2006: 168).
* AD MAG CREANDO according to the transcript, should probably be corrected into AD MAG CREANDO[S], probably ad mag(istros) creando[s]