Person "Iulius Milo, C."

Id 2447
Person id-code Iulius Milo 001
Name Iulius Milo, C.
Gender male
Gentilicia IULIA
Cognomina Milo
Name comments CIL 06, 30982: [---] C(ai) Iuli Milonis AE 1941, 00071: [---] l(ibertus) Milo
Free text (when person flourished)
Post quem (when person flourished) 58 AD
Ante quem (when person flourished) 134 AD
Notes on life data
Geography notes
Legal status libertus
Servile affiliation privatus
Citizen status civis Romanus
Local citizenship or ethinicity
Ordo affiliation
Highest civic rank
Honorary civic status
Honorary positions
Apparitorial Rank
Military status
Military Rank
Status notes and comments He was magister quinquennalis during the second lustrum of the collegium fabrum tignuariorum of Rome (AE 1941, 00071). One of his slaves (whose name is not preserved), was minister (CIL 06, 30982)