Guild Document "centonarii Comi CIL 05, 05272"

Document name centonarii Comi CIL 05, 05272
Name variant (this document) l(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) c(ollegii) f(abrum) c(entorariorum)
Standard name of the group centonarii Comi
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 05272
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 05272 = IRComo-Mc, 00009 = AE 2004, +00161
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument ollarium
Main location Comum
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main admininistrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Post quem 176 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating date taken from Liu 2009
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions vexillarii ; decreta ; tesserarii ; scholae
Collective action provide location for monument ; perform funerary rites
Collective assets endowment ; schola
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities funerary rites for benefactor
Receive endowment
A funerary monument set up by a freedman to his freeborn wife. The inscription records that the monument was placed on a terrain jointly owned by the centonarii and the fabri.
The dedicant gave an endowment to the guild. The amount is not preserved but must have been substantial because the terms of the endowment stipulate that the magistri must use 200 denarii for handouts to those present, 750 denarii on oil and drinking toasts, 200 denarii for a lectisternium in memory of the deceased, and 50 denarii to place myrtle garlands on the tomb at the occasion of the lectisternium and the rosalia. In addition he gave an endowment of 30,000 sesterces to the schola of the vexillarii from the proceeds of which they have to organise a lectisternium of 250 denarii before her statue, distribute 250 denarii among those present and provide oil and drinking toasts.
Schola vexillariorum is clearly also used metonymically to indicate the vexillarii as a subdivision, but probably suggests the existence of a separate club-house/temple.
Standard text of source Albiniae / Vetti fil(iae) / Valerianae / pudi[cissimae fe]min(ae) / P(ublius) Appi[us --- Euty]ches(?) / ad cuius [memoriam cole]ndam huic / colleg(io) de[dit --- ex c]uius sum/mae red[itu magistri coll(egii) quodannis] die natal(is) / eius III Id[u--- ---] sportul(as) / ex |(denariis) CC in[ter praesentes arbit]r(atu) suo divid(ant) / oleum et propin(ationem) ex |(denariis) DCCL praebeant item / lectisternum tempore parentalior(um) ex |(denariis) CC / memoriis eiusdem Valerianae et Appi Valerian(i) / fil(ii) eius per offic(ium) tesserarior(um) quodannis pona/tur et parentetur item coronae myrt(eae) ternae / et tempore rosal(iorum) Iul(io) ternae eis ponantur / micatae de [l]iliis ex |(denariis) L profudantur / item Appius Eutychianus maritus eiusdem / Valerianae scholae vexillarior(um) largitus / est HS XXX(milia) n(ummum) ex cuius summae reditu quod/annis die s(upra) s(cripto) natalis eius ante statuam lectist(ernium) / ex |(denariis) CCL ponant sport(ulas) |(denarios) CCL inter praesent(es) / sibi divid(ant) oleum et propin(ationem) per rosam praebeant / l(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) c(ollegii) f(abrum) c(entorariorum)
For Albinia Valeriana, daughter of Vettius, a most chaste woman. Publius Appius Eutyches(?) (has set up this monument). To honour her memory he has given to this guild (the sum of) … from the proceeds of which sum the masters of  the guild shall yearly distribute on her birthday, the third day before the Ides of …, handouts from 200 denarii, according to their decision, among those present. They shall provide oil and drinking toasts of 750 denarii. Likewise they shall yearly prepare and solemnly perform a lectisternium (i.e. a banquet offered to the gods) of 200 denarii in memory of the same Valeriana and Appius Valerianus, her son, with assistance of the tesserarii. Likewise they shall place three myrtle-crowns (with the lectisternium) and three (more) at the time of festival of the roses in July and lily-leaves shall be strewn of 50 denarii. Also Appius Eutychianus, husband of the same Valeriana, has lavishly bestowed upon the club-house of the vexillarii the sum of 30,000 sesterces from the proceeds of which, yearly on the day mentioned above, her birthday, they shall prepare a lectisternium of 250 denarii before (her) statue (and) shall distribute handouts for themselves of 250 denarii among those present and they shall provide oil and drinking-toasts. The location (of this monument) was given by decree of the guild of craftsmen and clothmen.
Notes on the source