Guild "centonarii Comi"

Main location Comum
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main administrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Date 51 - 300 CE
Early post quem 51 AD
Exact date
Early ante quem 100 AD
Late post quem 176 AD
Late exact date
Late ante quem 225 AD
Date notes
Category centonarii
English standard name clothmen
Sector crafts
Subsector textile
Corporate designation collegium ; curia
Internal institutions vexillarii ; decreta ; tesserarii ; scholae ; praesides ; quaestores
Collective action set up monument to notable ; set up funeral monument ; provide location for monument ; perform funerary rites
Collective assets money ; endowments ; club-house (schola, curia)
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities upkeep of honorary monument ; upkeep of funeral monument ; funerary rites for benefactor
Receive endowments
See Liu 2009: 148-152 for a discussion of the centonarii at Comum. Schola is used metonymically to indicate the division of the vexillarii in the guild, probably suggesting the existence of a separate building/temple for the vexillarii.