Guild Document "centonarii Comi CIL 05, 05446"

Document name centonarii Comi CIL 05, 05446
Name variant (this document) centuria centonar(iorum) / dolabrar(iorum) scalar[
Standard name of the group centonarii Comi
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 05446
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 05446 = D 07252 = AE 2002, +00581
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument
Main location <Clivio>
Main province Italia: Regio 11, Transpadana
Main admininistrative district Transpadana (Regio XI)
Post quem 51 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 100 AD
Notes on dating Liu and EDR propose a date 101-300 EDH but a late date is precluded by the reading 'anni primi curiae'. Boscolo 2002 suggest a date before the end of the first century CE, based on comparisons with Patavium and Mediolanum
Corporate designation collegium ; curia
Internal institutions praesides ; quaestores ; centuria ; decretum
Collective action
Collective assets club-house (curia)
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
On the use of curia to indicate the schola of the guild see 'centonarii Comi CIL 05, 05447'. Here it is used metonymically to indicate the guild as an group. On praeses as a local variant of magister (quinquennalis) see Liu 2009: 150. See also Boscolo 2002.
Standard text of source L(ucio) Apicio / Bruttidio / Sotericho / VIvir(o) urb(ano) / quaestori / anni primi / cur(iae) praesidi / et Albuciae / Sex(ti) fil(iae) / Exoratae eius / centuria centonar(iorum) / dolabrar(iorum) scalar[i]or(um) / l(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) c(ollegii)
To Lucius Apicius Bruttidius Soterichus, sevir urbanus, quaestor of the first year of the curia, president, and to his (wife?) Albucia Exorata, daughter of Sextius. The centuria of the clothmen, ax-men, ladder-men. The location was given by decree of the guild.
Notes on the source
For the reading cur(iae) and not cur(atori) see the discussion in Boscolo 2002; Liu 2009: 149