Guild Document "centonarii Lugduni consistentium AE 1982, 00702"

Document name centonarii Lugduni consistentium AE 1982, 00702
Name variant (this document) cor/por[ati inter cen]to/na[rios Lugud(uni) c]on/s
Standard name of the group centonarii Lugduni
English standard name clothmen
Standard reference AE 1982, 00702
References to other standard editions CAG-69-02, p 656 = Nauta 00016 = AE 1982, 00702
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument sarcophagus
Main location Lugdunum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 151 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 200 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation
Internal institutions corporati
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
D(is) M(anibus) / et m[emoriae a]eter/na[e ---] At/tal[i IIIIIIvir(i) Aug(ustalis)] Lug(uduni) / neg[otiator(is) s]epla/si(ari) n[autae Rhodan(ici?)] cor/por[ati inter cen]to/na[rios Lugud(uni) c]on/s[istentes] / Cal[---]nus / Epic[---]mon / lib(erti) [patrono opti]mo / inc[omparabiliq(ue)] po/nen[dum curaver]unt / et s[ub ascia dedi]cave/[runt]
To the God-Spirits of the Dead and the eternal memory of … Attalus, sevir Augustalis of Lugdunum, perfume dealer, barge skipper on the Rhone, incorporated among the clothmen residing in Lugdunum. Cal...nus and Epic...mon, his freedmen, to their best and incomparable patron have taken care of setting up (this monument) and dedicating it sub ascia.
Notes on the source