Guild "centonarii Lugduni"

Main location Lugdunum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main administrative district
Date 101 - 310 CE
Early post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Early ante quem 150 AD
Late post quem 151 AD
Late exact date
Late ante quem 310 AD
Date notes
Category centonarii
English standard name clothmen
Sector crafts
Subsector textile
Corporate designation corpus
Internal institutions omnes honores ; honorati ; curantes ; corporati
Protectors patroni
Collective action restore public place
Collective assets money
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
As in the case of the fabri tignuarii and the dendrophori there were probably two collegia of centonarii in Lugdunum, one of the consistentes, one of the Colonia (see also Liu 2009: 132, 210). But the inscriptions are not clear-cut and the two groups may have been closely linked.
The existence of an association of centonarii Lugduni consistentes is explicitly confirmed in two inscriptions:
  • patrono / centonarior(um) Lug(uduni) consist(entium) (CIL 13, 01961)
  • cor/por[ati inter cen]to/na[rios Lugud(uni) c]on/s[istentes] (AE 1982, 00702)
one refers to a consistens who was magistrate of an association of centonarii
  • centonario(!) Lug(uduni) consis/tent(i) honorato (CIL 13, 01972)
one is non specific:
  • centonari(i) suo impen/dio restituerunt (CIL 13, 01805)