Guild Document "fabri Aquileiae CIL 05, 00908"

Document name fabri Aquileiae CIL 05, 00908
Name variant (this document) dolabrar(ius) col(legii) fab(rum)
Standard name of the group fabri Aquileiae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 00908
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 00908 (p 1025) = InscrAqu-02, 02747 = D 07246 = Grabalt 00112
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument ara sepulcralis
Main location Aquileia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 76 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 150 AD
Notes on dating A hard post quem date is provided by the imperial name and military unit. Legio VII became Claudia Fidelis in 42 CE, but we should allow a few years before Epaphroditus was honourably discharged. Zaccaria (1987: 130-131, n. 7) dated the monument to the third quarter of the first century based on the style of the monument, the name Ti. Claudius, the absence of Dis Manibus ('non permette di spingersi altre l'inizio dell'eta flavia), and the spelling 'vivos' in stead of 'vivus'; Zimmer (1982: 212, no; 163) argues for a trajanic post quem date, based on the abbreviation CLPF which would have replaced the older CPF under that emperor (but see exceptionally CIL 03, 15004, 42-69 CE), and c. 150 CE as ante quem date based on the 'trajanic-hadrianic' hairstyle of the woman; Dexheimer (1998: 36, 39, 55, no. 122) argues for a hadrianic date, also based on the hairstyle of the wife, which he sees as inspired by that of Vibia Sabina, Hadrian's wife (p. 36), and the representation of the dress of both husband and wife which follow on trajanic style tendencies (p. 39), he too refers to the abbrevation CLPF (p. 112); Noll (1986: 56-57, no. 201) posits the first century CE, Hope (2001: 136) the 'second century', both without further arguments.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions dolabrarii
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Funerary monument of a veteran and dolabrarius of the collegium fabrum. The reliefs show the deceased holding a dolabra on the one hand side and his wife in a stola on the other.
Standard text of source Ti(berius) Claudius / Ti(beri) Claudi / Epaphroditian(i) / vet(erani) leg(ionis) VII Cl(audiae) P(iae) F(idelis) / fil(ius) Astylus / dolabrar(ius) col(legii) fab(rum) / viv<u=O>s fecit sibi et / Iuliae Dionysiadi / coniugi / bene de se mer(enti)
Tiberius Claudius Astylus, son of Tiberius Claudius Epaphroditianus veteran of the Seventh Legion Claudia Pia Fidelis, dolabrarius of the craftsmen guild, has made (this monument) during his lifetime for himself and his well-deserving wife Iulia Dionysias.
Notes on the source
Zaccaria 1987: 129-133; Dexheimer 1998: 119-120, no. 112; Zimmer (1982: 212, no; 163