Guild "fabri Aquileiae"

Main location Aquileia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main administrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Date 1-300 CE?
Early post quem 26 AD
Exact date 138 AD
Early ante quem 100 AD
Late post quem 211 AD
Late exact date 138 AD
Late ante quem 300 AD
Date notes The early post quem date is based on InscrAqu-01, 00539, which might refer to a patronus / praefectus collegii fabrum but also to a praefectus fabrum. The same inscription provides 100 CE as early ante quem date. The earliest securely dated inscription is from 138 CE (CIL 05, 00866). One other inscription (CIL 05, 00908) predates 150 CE and may date to the first century. AE 1992, 709, c. 1-50 CE, could mention an individual faber but no explicit link is made with a collegium fabrum. Two early inscriptions (CIL 05, 08279; InscrAqu-02, 02863) mention municipal praefecti fabrum.
Category fabri
English standard name craftsmen
Sector crafts
Subsector building and construction
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions incrementum? ; decuriae ; decuriones ; magistri ; dolabrarii ; decreta ; suffragiis universis ; praefecti
Protectors patroni
Collective action set up honorary statues to patrons ; money collection ; religious processions ('ad mare euntes')
Collective assets silver statuette ; money: ex aere ; endowments
Collective entitlements income from rental property
Public recognition and privileges permission to use public space for monument
Private duties and liabilities
Receive money ; silver statuette of Minerva ; handouts ; (cult?) statue ; income from rental property ; summae honorariae
The collegium was probably established in the first century (InscrAqu-01, 00539; perhaps CIL 05, 00908).
A few early (lkely) municipal praefecti fabrum are attested (CIL 05, 08279; InscrAqu-02, 02863), but nothing links these to a collegium fabrum.
The guild was subdivided into at least 25 decuriae (Pais 00181), headed by decuriones (CIL 05, 00731; 08251; InscrAqu-01, 00668; 00675). Although we don't know the average number of decuria-members, the number of decuriae indicates there well in excess of 500 members.
A collegium incrementorum cultorum Minervae was closely associated with the collegium fabrum, probably as a collegium within the collegium uniting young recruits or new members.
Important decisions were taken by all the members (CIL 05, 01012: suffragiis universis), which implies at least occasional general assemblies.
The fabri in the collegium most likely included shipwrights (fabri navales) since it was involved in a religious procession to the sea (ad mare euntes) (CIL 05, 08251).
The magistri had to pay a summa honoraria during their first year in office, which could take the form of a benefaction (CIL 05, 08251).
Several praefecti collegii are attested. One (an eques Romanus) was prefect and patron of both the collegium fabrum and centonariorum (CIL 05, 00749). Another may have belonged to the local civic elite (InscrAqu-01, 00539). A decurio of the guild may have been adlectus praefectus. That could indicate that the guild chose its own praefecti, sometimes from within its own ranks, but the text is too badly damaged to be conclusive (InscrAqu-01, 00675).
The high status of the praefecti and the patroni (CIL 05, 00749; InscrAqu-01, 00530; 00539) indicate the prestige also of the collegium fabrum. This is further confirmed by the right it received to set up monuments in public places (CIL 05, 00749; 01012; 08251).
The guild received several benefactions:
- A benefactor imposed a servitude on his house for the benefit of the 25th decuria, from which funerary sacrifices and a yearly banquet were to be held (Pais 00181).
- A magister gave a silver statue of Minerva in lieu for half the required summa honoraria (CIL 05, 08251)
- The same magister gave a handout of bread, ham, wine, and money to the participants in a procession (CIL 05, 08251).
- Another benefactor gave 1000 denarii (4000 sesterces) to the collegium (Pais 00194)
It participated in a (most likely) religion procession (CIL 05, 08251)
The collegium was closely connected to that of the centonarii and dendrophori , with whom it shared praefecti and patroni (CIL 05, 00749 (with centonarii); CIL 05, 01012 (with centonarii and dendrophori)).