Guild Document "fabri Aquileiae CIL 05, 01012"

Document name fabri Aquileiae CIL 05, 01012
Name variant (this document) coll(egii) fab(rum)
Standard name of the group fabri Aquileiae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 01012
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 01012 = D 06686 = AE 2008, +00550
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument
Main location Aquileia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 195 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating The honorary titles of the 'seviri augustales', 'Septimiani Aureliani' point to Septimius and Caracalla. There is, however no reason to think that the the group adopted these honorary titles only after Septmius death. The hard post quem date therefore is 195 CE. The 'tria nomina' and the 'tribus' indicate a date not too far in the third century.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions suffragiis universis
Protectors patroni
Collective action set up honorary monument to patron
Collective assets money: ex aere
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges permission to use public space for monument
Private duties and liabilities
An honorary monument set up by the fabri to their patron, who was also patron of the centonarii and the dendrophori.
The space for the monument was given by decree of the decuriones. This could indicate the decuriones of the guild, but more likely in this case it refers to the city council, given the status of the honorand and his being honoured also as patron of the centonarii and dendrophori.
Standard text of source
C(aio) Valer(io) C(ai) f(ilio) / Vel(ina) Eusebeti / IIIIvir(o) i(ure) d(icundo) IIIIvir(o) i(ure) d(icundo) q(uin)q(uennali) / patron(o) Sept(imianorum) Aureli(anorum) / Aug(ustalium) IIIIIIvir(orum) / patron(o) / coll(egii) cent(enariorum) et dend(rophorum) Aquil(eiensium) / ob insignem eius erga se / largition(em) et liberalita(tem) / suffrag(iis) univers(is) ex aere / coll(egii) fab(rum) / patron(o) dignissim(o) l(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum)
To Caius Valerius Eusebetus, son of Caius, of the Velina tribe, quattuorvir iure dicundo, quattuorvir iure dicundo quinquennalis, patron of the seviri Augustales Septimiani Aureliani, patron of the associations of clothmen and dendrophori of Aquileia. To (their) most worthy patron for his remarkable generosity and munificence towards them, by unanimous vote with money of the association of craftsmen. Location given by decree of the council.
Notes on the source