Guild Document "fabri Aquileiae InscrAqu-01, 00675"

Document name fabri Aquileiae InscrAqu-01, 00675
Name variant (this document) collegii] / fa[br(um)]
Standard name of the group fabri Aquileiae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference InscrAqu-01, 00675
References to other standard editions
Source type inscription
Type of inscription funerary
Type of monument ara, sepulcrum
Main location Aquileia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 101 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 200 AD
Notes on dating Date taken from EDR
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions decurio ; praefectus?
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
A funerary altar set up for  a decurio and prefect of the guild by his mother.
Standard text of source
C(aio) [Iu]lio [---] / Cassi[ano] / decurion[i collegii] / fa[br(um)] Aqui[leiae] / et a[dle]ct(o) pr[aefecto?] / Iu[li]a H[---] / ma[ter] infe[licissima] / sib[i e]t filio [suo?] / vi]va f[ecit] / [---]us et s[---] / [lib(ertis) li]b(ertabus)q(ue) [---].
To Caius Iulius Cassianus …. Decurio of the association of craftsmen and adlected prefect. Iulia H…, his most unhappy mother has made (this) during her lifetime for herself and her son … us and  …. for her freedmen and freedwomen.
Notes on the source