Guild Document "fabri Brixiae CIL 05, 04368"

Document name fabri Brixiae CIL 05, 04368
Name variant (this document) collegia / fabror(um) et cent(onariorum)
Standard name of the group fabri Brixiae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 05, 04368
References to other standard editions CIL 05, 04368 (p 1079) = InscrIt-10-05, 00157 = D 06725
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument unknown
Main location Brixia
Main province Italia: Regio 10, Venetia et Histria
Main admininistrative district Venetia et Histria (Regio X)
Post quem 117 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 138 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Collective action set up honorary monument
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The guilds of centonarii and fabri set up an honorary monument, probably a statue, to a local nobleman of senatorial status, appointed curator rei publicae of Bergamum by Trajan an of Comum by Hadrian.
Standard text of source
P(ublio) Clodio P(ubli) f(ilio) / Fab(ia) Surae, / q(uaestori), flamini Divi / Traiani, pontif(ici), / IIvir(o) quinq(uennali), trib(uno) leg(ionis) / II Adiutr(icis) Piae Fid(elis), / curat(ori) rei p(ublicae) Bergom(atium) / dat(o) ab imp(eratore) Traiano, / curat(ori) rei p(ublicae) Comens(ium) / dat(o) ab imp(eratore) Hadriano, / collegia / fabror(um) et cent(onariorum).
To Publius Clodius Sura, son of Publius, of the Fabia tribe, quaestor, flamen of the Deified Trajan, pontifex, duumvir quinquennalis, tribune of the Second Legion Adiutrix Pia Fidelis, appointed curator of the republic of Bergomum by the emperor Trajan, appointed curator of the republic of Comum by the emperor Hadrian. The guild of craftsmen and clothmen (have set up this monument).
Notes on the source