Person "Cominius Quintus, M., M. f. Pap."

Id 1024
Person id-code Cominius Quintus 001
Name Cominius Quintus, M., M. f. Pap.
Gender male
Gentilicia COMINIA
Cognomina Quintus
Tribus Papiria
Name comments
Free text (when person flourished)
Post quem (when person flourished) 136 AD
Ante quem (when person flourished) 205 AD
Notes on life data
Geography notes
Legal status ingenuus
Servile affiliation
Citizen status civis romanus
Local citizenship or ethinicity
Ordo affiliation ordo equester
Highest civic rank quinquennalis
Honorary civic status
Honorary positions
Apparitorial Rank
Military status
Military Rank
Status notes and comments <div>equo publico (CIL 3, 7513) pontifex coloniae Sarmizegetusae (CIL 3, 1473; 1497; 7513; 7907) quinquennalis coloniae Sarmizegetusae (CIL 3, 1473; 1497; 7907) bis quinquennalis coloniae (CIL 3, 7513) praefectus quinquennalis pro imperatore Antonino (CIL 3, 1497) (Marcus Aurelius, not Antoninus Pius, cf. Ardevan 1981 and cf. CIL 3, 1457 (Sarmizegetusa, anno 170); 3968 (Siscia); 6169 (Troesmis) for similar designations of Marcus Aurelius) sacerdos arae Augusti (CIL 3, 7513) &nbsp;Cominius Quintus was an important notable of Sarmizegetusa (Rossignol 2008). He belonged to prominent family in Dacia (Ardevan 1993). His father, Cominius Celerinus was an equestrian and 'tribunus legionis' and served as 'pontifex' of Sarmizegetusa (CIL 03, 01473 = IDR 3.2, 371). &nbsp;&nbsp;Cominius Quintus was municipal 'pontifex' and twice 'quinquennalis' of Sarmizegetusa, and served as 'praefectus quinquennalis' (CIL 03, 1497 = IDR 3.2, 107) for Marcus Aurelius (who had accepted the nomination as 'magister quinquennalis' of the city). He was co-opted patron of the 'collegium fabrum' and the city council erected an honorary statue for him. Eventually he became provincial 'sacerdos Arae Augustae' (CIL 3, 7513 = IDR 3.2, 108) &nbsp;&nbsp;He is further documented a co-founder with his wife, Antonia Valentina, of a temple in honour of Dea Regina (CIL 03, 07907 = IDR 3.2, 19) for the well-being ('salus) of Claudia Valentina (Antonia Valentina's mother). &nbsp;&nbsp;On his family and career see Ardevan 1981 ; 1993 ; Daicoviciu 1966. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cf. &nbsp;pontif(ici) col(oniae) Sar(mizegetusae) / &nbsp;et praef(ecto) q(uin)q(uennali) pro / Antonino Imp(eratore) / &nbsp;patr(ono) coll(egii) fab(rum) &nbsp;eq(uo) p(ublico) / &nbsp;ordo col(oniae) ob mer(ita) / ipsius</div>